Alternate Entry Forty-Four - The Cracks Within Us

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{Dedicated to Light____ because they are the one who, through comments on the previous chapter, gave me the idea of Essiny to start with. I love it! And I hope I did your brainfruit justice.} 

I was just as happy the next time I told everyone the good news, but I was more scared too. So was Gimli. Freda and Fraeg both found excuses to visit more often.

We kept a better eye on things this time. And there were more people getting involved, much to my surprise, and exasperation.

I stood in Dale with my fists on one hip, a half-full basket of summer greens on the other, one eyebrow raised, Sirai at my side. "You have got to be kidding me. You I can understand, but she belongs in Mirkwood. She's not capable of leaving. Her heart gives out. I've heard this from a very reliable source."

Tauriel laughed and Oloran translated for Nesetha, who stood beside them. Nesetha then rolled her eyes. "Orders are orders," said Tauriel.

My eyes widened in astonishment and I transferred my basket to Sirai so I could put my fists on both hips, doing it properly. "I beg your pardon? Whose orders?"

"Thranduil's, of course."

I threw my head back and groaned, and Sirai laughed outright. "Can you believe this?" I demanded of my human friend, extending a hand toward my apparently personal healer for the following sixish months. "This is what madness looks like, my peaceful friend." I turned back to my three elves, wearing my best stern expression. "Nesetha is one of the best healers in Mirkwood. Mirkwood is where she belongs. What if there's another attack? What if there's a natural disaster like a tornado? What if one of the people in Mirkwood has more pressing health concerns than I do? Might I remind you that I do not actually have health concerns. My trouble before was not caused by genetics."

They awaited my tirade with serene smiles that told me already I was not about to win this argument. Tauriel grinned, drat her, while Oloran translated again. Then Nesetha grinned. Well, drat her too. "You told Nesetha once that you tend to bleed too much. This we have confirmed with Tavard. Thranduil thought it best, and Nesetha agreed."

"No, you mean she didn't disagree. You know Nesetha's too nice to fight with anyone." Well, mostly.

Tauriel sighed. "Mabyn. Remember your ring? If nothing else will convince you, consider other reasons why Thranduil may choose to send his favorite healer to look after you."

Well, that made more sense to me. And the bat was out of the box both in Erebor and Dale, so there was no point being too worried about who overheard our discussing it now. "All right. Fine. You're staying too, right?"

At this Oloran shook his head. "I am afraid Mirkwood needs its Captain of the Guard. Even I am fairly important, so we will be going home tomorrow."

This time my eyes widened because I was aghast. "But that's not fair! Nesetha doesn't speak the language! How can you expect to leave her here for six months without speaking to anybody?"

"I'm sure we will be able to figure something out," Sirai said, offering her hand to Tauriel first, reaching right over me. "I'm Sirai, and Mabyn is impolite. Hello."

Tauriel gladly shook her hand. "I apologize for not introducing ourselves earlier. My name is Tauriel, and this is Nesetha and Oloran." Once the hand-shaking was done she returned her holy attention to me. "Nesetha was well aware of that when she agreed to come—and she did agree, Mabyn—and believe it or not, she knows how to write letters. There are a few here who speak our language. Nesetha can make merry with the historians. I am sure they will have a lot to discuss."

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