Alternate Entry Three - Feasting

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>I have now edited this section to better reflect how Dain is portrayed in the movie, as I think that version of him will make for a more colorful story later on and because I had very weak characterization ideas for him anyway.<

Hesitantly, I accepted his hand and despite my trepidation I shook it firmly, an attribute I saw him noticing. I mustered a small smile and Oin, who remembered my wariness of Thorin and my explanation of Thranduil, patted my back in reassurance. “Am I to understand you’re the man stepping in for Thorin?” There were ivory claws sewn into his beard. Oh hells.

He bowed his head. “Aye, though I wish it did not have to be done. Named my first son after him.”

I nodded. “I’m sure most of us do, saying nothing against yourself.”

He waved away my possible offense then waved a hand at the table. “Make room.”

I hastily scooted right, glad he had appeared from my left so there wouldn’t be too much awkwardness. I’d had a hard enough time with Dila being on my right earlier. “Is there something I can do for you?”

Dain, our new king, accepted the empty platter Gloin handed over to him. “You caused a hell of a stir searching the battlefield like you did; I wanted to meet you. You sound like a strange individual according to the reports I heard, and the more I learned the more I was convinced of it.”

“I was raised in a very different culture than this one,” I pointed out. “I’m sure that contributes to my strangeness.”

“Oh surely,” he agreed, accepting now a slab of the boar ‘the lads’ had brought down. “However there are a few bits of your character I and a host of others find intriguing. Whatever it is you’ve got with the Elvenking, for one, as well as your association with his fanciful self and with Bard, the new Master of Dale.”

My dangling feet were still and my entire being uncomfortable at this whole conversation, so I had nothing to add to it.

“But we’ll talk about that later,” he said, transitioning toward his more immediate concern. “Now that you are apparently fully healed, where do you intend to live?”

Our whole stretch of the table had sunk into silence. I fiddled with my utensils beside my plate. “I was planning to stay here, if I may.”

He nodded. “What are you planning for your immediate future?” At my worried, confused glance he explained, “The housing sectors in Erebor are already being assigned. Despite the maturity your companions assure me you can conduct yourself with I can’t condone your living on your own at least until you reach adulthood. If you wish to live here, and you are welcome still to choose not to, you’ll have to accept fostering with a suitable party until then.”

“Who?” I asked, leery about being housed with a stranger.

“We’ll take your opinions into account.”

“I’d like to live with a member of the Company. I know them best.”

“Would you consent to fostering with Gloin? He’s married, and already has his own children.”

I looked to Gloin, who was watching me comfortably. I knew from his expression he and Dain had discussed this, but not who had suggested it. Gloin would be glad to have me, nonetheless.


“I love Gloin, but I’d rather not add to his financial burden and workload, nor that of his wife,” I answered at last. “And I don’t want his other children to have to make room for me. As we’ve established, I’m strange.”

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