Caught Chp. 2

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"Hiya Sparky!" Piper calls out as I walk out of the door. I strut towards her. "Hey Pipes." She flicks one of her chocolate braids. She's got some bleached blonde highlights now. She enjoys the outdoors "What's up Jason?" she asks. I shrug. "Nothing."

"Going to the dance tonight?" I gulp. How do I get around this one? "Ummm... I... I...." I stutter.

"You what?" she says.

"I asked someone already." I get out. Her pretty kaleidoscope eyes narrow. "Can I guess? Reyna?" she says coldly. I gulp again. She becomes closed off. "You told me that you wouldn't fall for anyone else. You said you liked me..." she cries, hurt. She sort of sobs and starts to walk slowly away. "Piper! I do like you! What are you talking about? Reyna's from my camp, that's all. She doesn't know anyone here. She just needed a friend to take her." I say a little helplessly. She spins around suspiciously. "Are you sure about that?" I nod and open my arms. She runs right into them. "See you at breakfast." I say as she skips off to join her cabin.

I go find Reyna, who apparently is staying at the Big House, where Mr. D and Chiron stay. I spot her waiting next to it, dressed in a spotless purple SPQR t-shirt and short shorts. Gorgeous. She sports a catchy gold and amethyst ring and necklace and gray Nikes. "Hey you wore your Camp Jupiter shirt." she smiles approvingly. I grin back. She slips something into my shirt pocket. I check it out. "No way!" I nearly shout. It's a gold chain with a simple SPQR emblem hammered into a disk similar to my magic coin. "Where did you find this?" She rolls her eyes. "I didn't find it. Your eager friend, Leo, who's actually kinda sweet, helped me make it. Put it on." I struggle a bit with the clasp. "Honestly Jason, it's like Jupiter didn't give you a brain." she smirks and helps me.

"Let's go eat." she says brightly and leads me to the mess hall by my hand.

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