Chapter 6) Positive But In Love

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Published on :- 21/4/20



Police of our country are helping all the people who are in needs . Like all of you are watching on your television screens that how they're distributing the food packets to the people who get stuck in the COVID-19 Lockdown . Most of the people who are in the lines are daily wage workers . Firstly Police are giving sanitizers to them just to sanitized their hands before taking the meal Packets .

They're working hard for the needy people to provide their basic needs under the Government Or Non Governmental Programs of


You can see how they're maintaing one ft of distance with each other in the lines

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You can see how they're maintaing one ft of distance with each other in the lines . They are wearing mask and who doesn't have mask , are using their cotton soft towel or like we call Gamcha in our local language , to cover their faces . They are in very toughest  situation but trying to understand that this COVID-19 isn't a common general flu . It's for our betterment that's why lockdown is important .

Fighters of our world ...

Doctors and Police Are trying their best to stop this virus from spreading from one person to another person . It's a War and we will survive this period ..

And not to forget to the people who are risking their life just to clean , tidy and sanitizing our society .

So please appreciate their hardwork .

So stay Home

And stay safe

We can and We will over come this severe situation .

With Camera XYZ



Rudra was gawking at her entire time . She was blazing in anger because of the way his eyes were drilling holes into her body . Camera was shut down and she gave her Mike to her team member and speed up her pace out if the area .

When her team leader told her to captured the live pictures of the specified area she didn't knew that she'll meet him there . He was the one who organised the camp for the needy people who were hungry and needed necessary items of daily usage .

Mompi cursed herself for being stupid Infront of her team . She was walking very fastly and didn't paid any attention of her surrounding . She found herself in the middle of somewhere . Which was screaming danger and silence were making her cringe . She turned around and walked back to her team but her surrounding looked same to her . She clutched her heart and sweat drops formed on her forehead . Her guts started nagging at her that someone was there with her . She was not all alone . Every bad scenes started running in her brain . She was scared not because she was lost but , because of bad feelings like something big or wrong will happen to her .

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