Freaking Life 5

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Three Days Later

I'm still here inside the room, and ever since I found out the truth, I haven't got out. Even during dinner, I stayed inside, and their maids just brought me food. I don't know how to face them. I lie on the bed and stare blankly at the ceiling, my gaze fixed until everything starts to blur until I close my eyes. Oh gods! Help me build up my pride again.

After a little while, someone knocked on the door. I quickly got up and opened it. Before me stood a man in a suit with gloves. He bowed slightly before speaking, and I was surprised by his actions, feeling a bit uncomfortable as I wasn't used to such formality.

"Good Morning, Your Highness," he greeted.

Your Highness? Oh god! Oh god! I was slightly flattered by that and let out a soft curse. Why? It's just new to me. I'm not used to being addressed in such a special or respectful way. I'm just a wall that some clueless girl bumped into at school.

"Oh my, it's not really necessary to call me your Highness, right?" I asked him.

"I apologize, but this is part of my job, and we are required to follow the rules," he explained.

Wow, he's quite formal. I felt a bit ashamed of my rude behavior earlier. Come to think of it, he looks just a few years older than me, probably in his 20s. Poor guy, he has so much more to do than serve here. He's still young.

"Oh, okay. I guess I can't do anything about that," I replied.

Now, I have to deal with this royal addressing thing.

"I am Oliver Maestro, your personal butler," he introduced himself.

I was surprised, a butler!? Wow!

"Seriously?" I asked in a surprised tone.

"Yes, Your Highness. You need to get ready and go to the dining area for your breakfast and then head to school," he said.

Before leaving, he added something. "Prince Dennis is waiting for you in the dining area," he said, then bowed again before finally leaving.

"Oh. My. God," I said slowly.

I guess being a princess wasn't that bad after all, but I still need guidance and an explanation on how to handle all of this.

I got myself ready, took a shower, and put on our school uniform. Anyway, they threw away all my clothes because almost all of them were second-hand, and the maids said I was way too good to be wearing second-hand clothes. I was somewhat flattered by their words, so they placed new clothes in the wardrobe along with sleepwear, cologne, and other essentials. However, they didn't throw away my wooden box containing Mama's letter and where my locket was hidden inside.

I tied my hair into a ponytail because it has gotten quite long, and it's a hassle when my hair is down. I headed straight to the dining area and saw Dennis already waiting, seated at the table. The dining table was long with eight chairs facing each other, and there were two spaces between each. Dennis was positioned on my left side near the edge, and I took my place on the right side, facing him. A plate was already set at that spot.

Once I was seated, the maids started serving the food, a regular breakfast menu but presented in a special way, again. I began to eat, and Dennis did the same.

After a while, we finished our meal. The food was delicious; I even wanted more, but I didn't want to appear gluttonous. Dennis started speaking.

"Lizzy, I need to explain something to you. I know this is not easy for you,"

"Alright, enough with the pity talk! I've processed everything, and I'm okay now. Let's forget about that, and I've accepted everything. Just explain this princess thingy," I interrupted him.

The Story of  my Freaking Life [COMPLETED] [2020 Watty Awards Entry] (Rewriting)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang