Freaking life 1

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On an ordinary morning, as I face the challenges of a typical day, I find myself at a loss on how to begin my story. What I do know is that, at this moment, I am grappling with a formidable Lernaean Hydra-I have no idea how to slay this creature! However, I have chosen not to sever its head for now, opting for a different approach to dealing with the unknown.

Well hello! If I cut off one head, it will only grow stronger with multiple heads that I'll need to defeat.

Now, I'm ascending a hill to make it easier for me to slay the Hydra because it's just too colossal; I can't reach it from below. I looked like an ant compared to its size, so I needed to climb up to get a better vantage point.

"Now, Hydra, I'm going to kill you!" I shouted as I forcefully hurled my sword towards its chest. Instead of piercing through, it fell off-seems like I lacked the necessary force.

Well, what were you expecting, a lightweight sword? It's incredibly heavy, and to top it off, add this armor I'm wearing that further restricts my movement. I'm helpless and can only stare at the Hydra. The heads of the Hydra then turned towards me, but to my surprise, one of them now bore the face of my detested teacher, Mrs. Lim. Jeez!

When its heads turned to look at me, it suddenly screamed, jolting me awake from my slumber.

"ELIZABETH ESPERENZE CREDEIU!!" Mrs. Lim shouted at me.

I quickly stood up in front of my desk, with a saliva wipe on my face-oh jeez...

"You're sleeping in my class again. That's the fifth time, CREDEIU! If your naps during my class reach six, I'll send you straight to detention!" she yelled again.

"Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry," I replied, then sat back down at my desk.

Sigh! If only what you're teaching wasn't so boring! I complained in my thoughts.

I always find myself dozing off in Mrs. Lim's class, daydreaming about all sorts of things. I often hear the laughter and teasing from my classmates whenever I get scolded, but it doesn't really bother me.

Why? Because I don't give a fuck. But sometimes, I can't help but wonder if they genuinely find it amusing or if they're just going along with it to avoid being cast out. Oh well! Whatever!

As I strolled down the school hallway after class, a sudden collision disrupted my path. Surprised, I couldn't help but exclaim. Damn it! Is this girl blind? This led to an unfortunate mess of the papers I held in my grasp, creating a moment of unexpected chaos.

"Great, just what I needed!" I muttered to myself. I bit my lip to keep calm, and stooped to gather my papers strewn on the floor. Teachers and their endless assignments! Done picking up, I stood up, ready to move on.

"Hey! EE!" shouted my friend Det-det. Her name Bernadeth sounds amusing, hence the nickname Det-det, I know it sounds somewhat funny but it's cute to me. In return, she calls me EE, the initial letters of my two names.

Det-det and I walked together towards the school field where the athletes usually practice. But, we weren't here to watch the guys on the field; we preferred hanging out here for the fresh air. Plus, it's more peaceful compared to the school cafeteria.

We sat on the grass, and Det-det immediately started chatting away. What else could I expect? She grew up talkative.

"Have you heard the news?" she asked me.

I paused in writing my report and looked at her. "Heard what?"

"Of course, you haven't heard. Why did I even ask? There's a new transferee here in school, and he's a HOT GUY!" she exclaimed, letting out a squeal.

The Story of  my Freaking Life [COMPLETED] [2020 Watty Awards Entry] (Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now