5. Vertically Take Off Flying Vehicles.

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Do you like to be stuck in a traffic jam on the streets? Traffic jams on the streets is a global problem.

Human being civilization has been developing and maintaining land transportation infrastructures ( such as roads, streets, highways, railroads, train stations, bus stations, etc. )  since the first invention of wheels around 3,500 BC ( https://youtu.be/wiV8YUcwBZk ). It means land transportation infrastructures have been developed and maintained for about 5,500 years from the first invention of wheels until the year 2020.

Have you ever calculated how much money all governments around the world have spent to develop and maintain all the global land infrastructures during the 5,500 years? I haven't done thorough scientific research to calculate it, but I believe it can be more than USD 1 Quadrillion globally.

Our global current existing land transportation system is not efficient and effective.

Air and sea private and public transportation systems are the best options compared to land transportation. By air and sea transportation systems, there are at least two advantages, there are no more traffic jams and we don't need to develop and maintain costly land transportation infrastructures.

It's total freedom of transportation, flying as free as birds on the sky and cruising as free as fishes on the seas.

Some private companies around the world have been researching and developing Vertically Take Off Flying Vehicles ( https://youtu.be/g1a2U38VIuA ). Some of them have successfully built ready to market prototypes ( https://youtu.be/NHmT4pKFjgc  ).

Let's fly and cruise globally...

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