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The year 2020 is at almost the end of The 4th Industrial Revolution ( Industry 4.0, )  phase. Industry 3.0 and 4.0 are driven mostly by the invention, innovation, and application of electronic computer hardware and software in the daily personal life of human beings and daily operations of companies.

The invention and development of Quantum Computing and Computer ( ) was the holy grail in Computer Science. It can be the last big thing in the history of computer science.

Almost all concepts and theories in Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) have been developed and implemented in the forms of hardware and software that almost all of you use it every day in your life, whether you realize it or not, such as some features on Search Engines ( such as Google and Bing ), Google Assistant (  ), Amazon Alexa (  ), Microsoft Cortana ( ),  driverless or self-driving cars, some features on Google Maps ( ), voice command and recognition features on your smartphones or other kinds of devices, human-voices-to-texts and texts-to-human-voices converters features or software or hardware, Google Translate (  ), face recognition feature on your smartphones or other kinds of devices, Optical Character Recognition Software ( ), some computer games, languages grammar and spelling checker features or software, etc. AI products and services have been becoming your best friends in your daily life but you may not realize it.

Office and industry automation products and services also have almost achieved its maximum technology development.

Robotic technologies and robots are parts of Industry 3.0 and 4.0.

Human beings civilization will close the last chapter of Industry 4.0 book soon.

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