4. Human Brain Waves Reader and Transmitter Technologies.

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The human brain has many billions of neurons which connect and communicate with each other with small electrical currents. The neurons activities generate electrical pulses and those electrical pulses form brain waves ( https://choosemuse.com/blog/a-deep-dive-into-brainwaves-brainwave-frequencies-explained-2/ ).

Brain waves can be detected from outside human biological body, amplified, analyzed, visualized, and transmitted by specific purpose electronic devices or part of electronic devices.

Whatever human beings say through their mouth, think silently on their mind, feel with their feelings and emotions, and do physically ( including sleeping ) affect and change the brain waves.

Human brain waves can be used to replace human fingers, hands, and audible voices to control and give commands to nearby electronic devices, including electronic devices inside your electric cars too.

What do you think if you can control and give commands to your smartphones and other electronic devices including your electric cars using your brain only, without your fingers, hands, and audible voices?

What do you think if your nearby electronic devices can send texts, audio, and visual data into your brain directly by transmitting Artificial-Intelligence-generated brain waves to your brain directly? So, you don't need to watch it by your human eyes and listen to it by your human ears anymore.

It's all 100% possible to be created in the future.

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