Newsies in Quarantine: Part 4

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Davey took a moment to breath in the fresh air. It was nice- it was really nice.
Despite having come up here every night for the past week with Jack, every time he breathed in the brilliant smell of fresh air, he was taken aback, "How did you know how to get up here?"

Jack shrugged as he walked past Davey, leaning against the wall of the roof that faced the street, "Medda showed me where all the best hidin' spots was after the rally. She's was worried I wouldn't know my way out- well, I know my way out, just couldn't get to here and there then."

"I wish that hadn't happened." Davey moved forward to lean on the wall beside Jack, elbows inches apart.

"Me too." The dirty blonde frowned before glancing at Davey, "You know- I never planned on...on you findin' out about my parents- or my name-"

Davey snorted.

"What?" Jack squinted in confusion at the reaction.

"Sullivan." Davey cocked a bemused eyebrow as he cracked a grin at Jack.

Jack's cheeks turned scarlet as he hit Davey's shoulder with the back of his hand, good-naturedly, "Oh come on, Dave! At least I's wasn't named after a carni."

Davey rolled his eyes with a soft chuckle that made Jack's heart melt, "Okay, fair enough.'s fine, that was months ago." The brunette shrugged, looking down at the busy street below.

"I just...if I was goin' to tell ya', it was going to be on my t'oi'ms...not some bum judge's." Jack shook his head, hair falling in front of his face.

"There are a lot worse things you could have lied about-"

"A name is somethin' that makes up a person,'s a big thing- one o' the first things yous learned about a person is their name. And I couldn't even give that to ya'."

The blonde felt a hand on his shoulder, giving him just enough courage to glance over at Davey, features framed by moonlight.

"You did tell me your name. Jack Kelly."

"But that's-" Jack began.

"Do ya' think I'm lyin'?" Davey mocked with a grin, lifting his eyebrows.

"Oh you cocky basta'd." Jack snorted and shoved Davey away lightly with a smile.

"Why don't you go by your given name though..?" The lengthy teen questioned, "If you don't mind my asking."

Jack let out a long sigh, followed by a shrug, "I'm not too proud about what my parents became. Francis Sullivan was the name me  mudda' gave me...I could hardly remember her enough to attach too many emotions to her...and I just...she was impersonal to me so my name was as well...and my fada'-" He snorted, "I can thank him for Sullivan. He- He didn't do nothin' but give me the rank in society that I got now. I didn't want nothin' to do with that...I wanted to be...indeepend'nt...wanted to be my own person and leave my old name and old life behind. Make my own decisions without anybody else tellin' me otherwise. Don't gotta' listen to nobody-" Jack paused, ringing his hands, "Then yous show up and- it was like wakin' up from a had such a grasp on reality, Dave...and you showed me that hey, maybe reality ain't so bad." He finished, biting the inside of his cheek.

"Jack.." Davey's voice was just above a whisper.

"You boys up here?" Medda's booming voice came from the trap door that led to the roof, her head popping into it, "Jack, Davey! Come down here, it's time for bed!" She demanded.

"Uh- thanks, Ms.Medda, but I think I'll take a snooze up here tonight." Jack grinned sheepishly at the woman.

"Oh no you don't!" Medda shook her head, "I am not letting you catch a cold at a time like this. I better see you two in your beds by the time I come back to check on y'all or-"

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