Newsies in Quarantine: Part 2

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Jack felt like his heart was going to give out the moment that he gave Davey the paint brush. While he cared for his friend immensely, he also tenderly cared for the piece of art that had taken him three hours thus far. At the very least, he could paint over Davey's art if need be...but would that hurt the other's feelings? What about his own feelings?
He wanted Davey to feel better is what Jack was feeling. He knew how easily the boy tended to stress over things, and painting was an outlet for him, so why wouldn't it work for Davey? Nothing was more relaxing than-

"Darn it!" Davey swore as his elbow knocked over a red paint can, sending paint flooding onto the floor.

Jack panicked and pushed the canvas so it slid away from the both of them- and the paint that was currently poking into the ground.

"I'm sorry, Jack, let me help clean it-" Davey sighed as he got to his feet to look for cleaning supplies.

"Hey, don't worry about it- the painting his safe and- oh-" Jack winced slightly before letting out a quiet snicker.

"What? What happened?" Davey looked at the other with concern and confusion.

"You've got a bit of-" Jack chuckled as he pointed to a large red smear on Davey's left pant leg.

"Oh no-" Davey looked horrified down at his leg, "M-My dad is going to kill me- these are- these are good pants-"

"Why'd your wear them to sell papes then?" Jack cocked an eyebrow.

"I wore them to the show, Jack." Davey shot a quick glare.

Jack lifted his hands up in defense before paying closer attention to Davey's outfit. The boy was indeed dressed up. He had been wearing caramel-colored pants and a white dress-shirt.

"Well, you can't paint without the chance of spilling some-" Jack chuckled softly as he grabbed his bandana from off his shoulder and headed over to Davey, bending down. He paused as he clutched his bandana, looking up at a bewildered Dave, "Do you mind if I..?" Jack lifted the bandana and shook it slightly.

"Uh- go for it?" The curly haired boy responded hesitantly.

Jack reached forward and began tentiviely wiping away the paint smeared on the side of the other's leg, making Davey sway away, "Hold still-"

"I'm trying, you're just- strong-" Davey muttered out.

Jack felt his face get hot at the words but quickly shook it off, "There's just a little more and-"

"The beds are ready, Dave-!" Race burst in before pausing in bewilderment at the scene of Jack bent in front of Davey, a hand on his thigh.
The blonde blinked a few times, "Oh-"

"This isn't what it-" Davey took a few steps back from Jack, making the other stand up quickly and nod his head, "Good to know, Race." He glared at the blonde as if to threaten him with his eyes.

"Oh I'm so telling the guys about this." Race grinned.

"Why you-" Jack began forward before he was stopped as Davey grabbed his collar, "We're stuck together for two weeks don't start a fight on the first day."

Jack grunted, and if it had been anyone except Davey, he'd have listened- but given the circumstances, he hesitated.

"Well, I have to say, we wasn't aware yous was here, Jack." Race crossed his arms over his chest.

"I was back here paintin'! What? Was nobody lookin' for me?" Jack scoffed.

"Looks likes Davey was." Race winked with a grin as he leaned against the door.

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