Chapter Nineteen

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Ryder and the others were watching as Chase and Marshall raced around the camp followed by the army vehicles. A tennis ball came flying toward the remote that was connected to the bomb, but a dart knocked it off course. They noticed Chase and Marshall take a turn over a bridge and into the darkness.

"Ryder, what's going on?" asked Rocky.

"I don't know," he replied. He looked back to the remote that was still hanging off a cord. That's when he got an idea. He grabbed the rope with the hook on the end and tossed it towards the remote, but missed. He tried again and again but failed every time. He was about to try again when he saw a white blur in the corner of his eye. He noticed a certain pup white pup in behind a tent. "Sweetie," he called out, "what are you doing here?"

Sweetie walked out from behind the tent into view to everyone. "I just want to help," she exclaimed. "I want to help fix this mess."

Ryder looked towards the others. "Do you think we should trust her?" he asked them.

"I don't know," Skye said. "She did take Chase away."

"Hoot, hoot," exclaimed Little Hootie, who was on Ryder's shoulder. Nobody knew what he was saying. Ryder wished he could speak to the little owl just like Chase can.

"We can't understand you, Little Hootie," he told the owl. Little Hootie flew off of Ryder's shoulder and landed on Sweetie's head. He seemed to trust her.

"Ryder, what is he doing?" asked Rocky.

"It seems that he trusts her," he replied. "If he trusts her, then so do I."

"Thank you, Ryder," Sweetie said. "What do you need me to do?"

Ryder pointed towards the remote. "I need you to press that button."

"Ok, Ryder." Sweetie walked towards the button. She noticed the button that connected it to a cable that led up to the cage "What is this connected to?"

"It's connected to an explosive that will cause the cage to fall to the ground once it goes off."

"Are you sure it will work?"

"I don't know, but it's the best choice we have right now."

Sweetie took a deep breath. "Okay, just hang on." She pressed the button, but nothing happened. "Maybe I have to press the button one more time." She pressed the button again, and this time the bomb went off. The blast launched Sweetie a foot back but it didn't hurt her.

The cage fell onto a motorcycle. Everyone got out of the cage and ran into the weapons tent. They came out of the tent with guns and other weapons. The guns were set to stun. A couple of soldiers came out from other tents to see what was going on. When they walked up close to the group, they got stunned and fell to the ground. By the time the guns ran out of ammo, the majority of the soldiers were on the ground asleep.

Chase and Marshall sped through the camp. They both jumped out of the car and looked around to see if anyone was hurt. Luckily, no one was hurt. They turned around and noticed all of the soldiers asleep on the ground.

"What happened here?" Chase and Marshall asked before being interrupted by hugs from Skye and Everest. They realized what they were doing and let go.

"Sorry," said Everest.

"We just missed you guys," agreed Skye.

"Don't worry about it," said Marshall. "We understand."

"Yeah," agreed Chase. "We missed you as well. All of you."

"Well, at least we're all together again," said Ryder. Both Chase and Marshall jumped towards Ryder. They made him fall over as they licked his face. Ryder laughed. When they stopped, Ryder scratched behind both of their ears. "The Paw Patrol wouldn't be the same without the two that started it all."

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