Chapter Nine

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Meanwhile, in Adventure Bay, the pups were just getting back from figuring out what was interfering with tracking Chase's collar. Rocky, Zuma, and Rubble just got back from the location of the last known place Chase was at. Volunteers from around Adventure Bay also were looking for him in the city, the mountain, the jungle, and Foggy Bottom.

"Did you find him?" asked Skye.

Rocky shook his head. "All we found was this chip."

Ryder took a closer look. "That's the communication device from Chase's collar. It's what lets us communicate with him or even track him."

Skye felt her heart drop. "So, we can't track him by his collar? How about his car?"

Ryder looked at her. He saw hope in her eyes. She wanted to make sure Chase was alright. He wanted to comfort her. He put her on his lap. "Skye, you don't have to worry too much. We will find him. One way or another."

Skye let Ryder hold her. She wanted to be with Chase. She wanted him to be the one that she was hugging right now. "Thanks, Ryder," she said after a while.

Rocky, who was watching from a few feet back, was thinking about what he can do. He was thinking of all the possible solutions. He was one of the smartest in the group behind Chase and Ryder. He turned to where Chase's car used to be. In its place, Sweetie's car was still there. Sweetie, he thought. Then he got an idea.

"Hey, I think I know what to do," he said aloud.

Marshall looked up at him. "What do you mean?" he asked him.

"Well, I was thinking. If we can't track Chase, and Sweetie disappeared at the same time..."

"You think we might be able to track her down instead. And that Chase might be with her."

"Yeah, but it's just a thought."

Ryder put Skye down and got up. "Well, I don't see any other suggestions. Let's go for it."

They went up to the Lookout to see what they could do. After a few minutes of tapping into Sweetie's collar, they got her location. She was crossing the ocean at a high speed.

"Ryder, I got a location," said Rocky, "but it says she is crossing the ocean at 125 miles per hour and rising. How is that possible?"

Ryder thought about it. How could she be going that fast? Is it possible that she found out about Chase's jet mode? What if Chase was with her? Why would he be going to Barkingburg? He was still lost in his thoughts when he felt a bit of water on his neck. "Huh, what?" His shirt was soaking wet. "What happened?"

Marshall took a step forward, "Well, you got lost there for a second. You were staring off into space. So I sprayed you with a bit of water. I'm sorry."

"Oh, Marshall. You don't have to be sorry for that. It was the right thing to do. Anyways, I think I know how she was going so fast. After the first time we met Sweetie, I gave Chase's stealth car an upgrade. When he has to, it can turn into a stealth jet."

"So you think that Sweetie somehow got a hold of it?" asked Rocky.

"Well, maybe. But if the jet mode is on, that means Chase is there." The mood in the room changed rapidly from hopeless to some hope. "The jet can only be activated by Chase. Not even I can activate. It is built to activate by his voice and paw scan."

"So, he is with her?" asked Skye.

"I am 97% sure of it, but yes, most likely he is."

"So, should we follow them?" asked Marshall.

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