Chapter Eight

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MEANWHILE, CHASE WAS JUST getting up. He looked to his right and noticed that Sweetie was missing. Who looked at the clock and it said 09:13 am.

"How did I sleep for so long? I should've woken up around 6." he looked at the screen and realized the alarm was turned off. He didn't know how it got turned off. For all he knew, it has been like that for a while now. He tried to get out of his pup house but when he opened the door, there were some metal bars blocking the exit. When he looked outside, It seemed that he was on the road.

How did this happen? He tried to call Ryder, but his pup tag was not working. He looked around his puphouse. Everything was gone except for the clock and a small TV in the corner. He wondered who could be driving. He wondered about how they found out about this version of his cop car.

The screen turned on. On the screen was Sweetie. She was driving the car down the highway.

"Sweetie," said Chase, "What are you doing?"

Sweetie smiled at the screen. "Chase, good to see you woke up. As to your question, I am taking you to Barkingburg."


Sweetie frowned. "Because the princess needs you, that's all I'm saying."

Chase thought about this for a second. "Well, if she needs my help, you could've just told me. I could have brought the Paw Patrol to help and..."

"No!" said Sweetie. There was some anger in her voice. Not a lot, but it was there. "Sorry, Chase," she took a deep breath, "I can't allow the rest of the Paw Patrol to get involved in this. Not even you're supposed to be in this."

"Sweetie, what are you talking about?" he asked.

Sweetie sighed. She didn't want to tell him what was going on. She didn't want to get in more trouble. But deep inside, she knew that she could trust Chase. That he was going to help because that was his job. Just like he did when she just got to Adventure Bay.

"Ok, I'll tell you. But you have to promise you will not tell anybody, not even the Paw Patrol."

"I promise, and I'm a pup of my words."

"I know, but..."

"Sweetie, what is going on."

"Well, when you guys left Barkingburg, it was all well. I started to behave, the princess was starting to love me more and more. But it all went downhill about two weeks ago. I was sleeping when I heard a scream. I ran outside to see someone with a black ski mask on taking away the princess. The man took the princess to a black car and drove off. Later that day, a man popped up. He had two Dobermans by his side. He announced that he was now the king of Barkingburg. After a week of being locked up in my pup house, I escaped and came to Adventure Bay. I thought that you may be able to help with this since you were the one who took care of me."

Chase laid there for a minute in silence. He didn't know what to do about this. He wasn't Ryder, he wasn't Max,  and he wasn't Blaze. He was second-in-command. But he was one thing. He was the princess's only hope. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he let something bad happen to her or anyone else. That is just the type of pup he is.

"Ok," he said. "I will help. But I will need my pup pack. I will see what I can do."

Sweetie was happy to hear this. "Thank you, Chase. Your pup pack is right here with me. I'll send it down now." A chute appeared on the wall and Chase's super-spy pup pack slid right down

Chase grabbed it and put it on. "Hey, by the way, how did you find out about this form of my police car, I haven't used it since before the first time we met?"

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