Chapter Two

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It was about 10:00 at night. I walked up steps to Austin's apartment. Music was alreay going inside. I was so excited for the party!  I had brough my deck of Truth or Dare cards for me and Rosaline to play with. I had learned a lesson or two from the last time I came to Austin's party a month ago, which was also the first time. 

One, it's wise to bring your own games just in case you show no intrest in the ones other people brought.

Two, Rosaline is easily distracted by boys. She can be super desprate at times.

I figured this time, I'd bring something to keep her busy. Rosaline Loves truth or dare, and she's a boss at it! 

I knocked on the door a few times. It didn't take long for someone to let me in. The guy standing at the door looked familiar, but I couldn't recall his name. He was about avarage height, and he was wearing a stripped T-shirt and an adorable yellow hat with bear ears. 

"Welcome!" He smiled. "Come on in! There's snacks on the Table and most of the party is hanging out in the living room." 

I smiled back at him and stepped inside. Austin's apartment was very large for it to be so worn down. The cream paint on the walls were totaly pealed away in some areas, revealing the hard brick behind it. Someone had tried to fix it up with wood planks, but those didn't really work out. 

I walked though the old apartment. There were about Twenty-five people chilling in the living room, like the guy at the door had said. They were all either filling up on chips and dip, Playing a game with a group of friends, or both. I walked over and began to look for Rosaline. I took off my headphones so i could hear. The party was a whole lot louder now.

Rosaline, who was neither eating chips or playing a game, was sitting alone on the couch. I guessed she had been waiting for me. 

I walked over to her. "Hey Rosa-" 

Rosaline Grabed my by the shoulders and set me down on the couch right next to her. You could tell she was excited about something. She tried to hold it in, but you could still tell. 

"Did you see the guy on door duty?" She said in a whisper. "He's so cute!" Rosaline smiled and lightly bounced on the couch. 

I wheezed. "Doodie" I almost burst out Laughing. Kindergarden joke, I know. The way Rosaline said it just made it a thousand times funnier.

Rosaline glared at me as her smile faded. "Shut up. This is serious business."

my veins went cold as Rosaline stared at me. This was a diffrent feeling, and not a very pleasant one. I only felt kind of giulty. Rosaline contined talking.

"I should go talk to him! maybe invite him out for ice cream or something for after the party! Can you come with me!" Rosaline looked at me with hope in her eyes.

Dang, I never noticed how quicky Rosaline could change expressions. Had she always been like that?

"Maybe later Rose. I kinda wanted to just hang with you. I brought your favorite game!" I reached into my pocket to get the Truth or Dare cards out, but before I could, Rosaline grabbed my wrist. 

"No," She hissed. "It's now or never. We're going Now.

My heart skipped a beat. "Is that a threat?"

"Kind of. Was I being rude? I'm sorry." She backed down a bit with the look of guilt on her face. "Ok, let me start over. Will you please go with me to ask out the cute guy? I'm a bit nervous."

Rosaline could be rude at times, but she can be a sweetie if you talk to her right.

But honestly, I was scared too. The guy was kinda cute. Plus, I wanted to play truth or dare first. i cringed. "Can we please just do a few rounds of truth or dare? you know you want to!" I took out the box of party edition Truth or Dare cards.

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