chapter thirty-three • the truth comes out

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"Crying relieves pressure on the soul."
- Toba Beta

"Bowie! Gemma!" Mom squeals. She abandons her post in the kitchen and pulls my sister and I into her arms. "Gosh, it's so good to see you guys!" She hones in on me, staring at me with wide, worried eyes. "You look tired, sweetie. Have you been sleeping okay?"

"I'm... I'm fine, Mom," I struggle to speak while wrapped in her python-like grip.

My eyes linger on the happy couple. Benson and Alyx are talking in undertones, both grinning from ear to ear. I almost feel bad—not for my brother, obviously, but for Alyx. For some reason that I will never understand, she loves him. She really, truly loves him.

And I don't think he's capable of loving anyone except himself.

"What are you doing here, Gemma? Don't you have work today?" Dad pipes in, eyeing my sister.

"I called out. I have some... personal things to take care of," she answers.

"Oh, okay." He seems to believe her. "Either of you want breakfast?"

"I'm not hungry," Gemma snaps, causing everyone in the room to stop what they're doing and look at her.

Subtle, Gemma. Really subtle.

Benson rises to his feet and saunters toward us. He ignores me completely, but he turns to Gemma and gives her a hug. "Hey, little sis."

Gemma is visibly uncomfortable, and I feel for her. I don't think I've hugged my brother in seven years. Hell, he and I barely talk.

"So, Benson," she says once their embrace has been broken, "I didn't see your Mercedes in the driveway."

"It's in the shop. Mom is being gracious enough to let me borrow her car for a few days." He places a peck on Mom's cheek and begins serving himself breakfast.

"Oh, it's no problem, honey. I work from home, so it's not like I need it," my mom replies.

I turn to my sister, who is wearing the same exasperated expression as I am. It's no secret that our mother would do anything for her precious Golden Boy.

Above us, I hear soft footsteps, which get progressively louder. All of a sudden, Evangeline is barreling down the stairs. She slams into me at full speed and nearly knocks me on my ass.

"You're here!" she shouts excitedly. "I've missed you so much, Bowie!"

"I've... I've missed you, too, kiddo." I pat the top of her head as she clings to me. Don't get me wrong, I did miss her. A lot.

I was just not expecting her to be here today.

"Why isn't Vange in school?" Gemma asks my parents.

"April vacation, sweetie," Mom answers.

Benson is here. Evangeline is here. What else is gonna go wrong today?

Evangeline releases her grip on me and inches closer to my sister. They stare at each other in silence for a moment. Finally, Gemma kneels down and whispers something to the six-year-old that I can't make out, to which she responds by wrapping her arms around her neck in a tight hug.

I freeze as Benson walks toward them, interrupting the tender moment. I almost lose my god damn mind when I see him rest his hand on Evangeline's tiny shoulder. Rage swells inside of me, advancing like lava inside a volcano that's about to erupt. I'm gonna hit him. If he doesn't move his fucking hand right now, he's getting decked.

It seems like Gemma has less patience than I do, though. Benson's hand sits on Vange's shoulder for approximately three seconds before my older sister pulls the first grader away from him.

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