chapter twelve • the date

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"Darling, don't be afraid. I have loved you for a thousand years."
- Christina Perri

"What is this place?"

"I call it my Fortress of Solitude."

"Okay, Superman. Seriously, what is this place?"

I take Zayna's hand and guide her toward the outdoor ice rink. Above us, twinkling white lights hang from the trees, casting a golden reflection on the frozen rectangle. Soft music plays in the background as pairs circle the perimeter, most of them hand-in-hand.

Zayna turns to me, a horrified expression on her face. "I've never skated before," she confesses.

I respond with a shrug before handing the kiosk guy twenty dollars for skate rentals.

"Uh, what sizes?" he responds in a gruff tone.

"Eleven for me. Seven for her," I clarify.

Her eyebrows shoot up like rockets into space. "How did you know my shoe size?"

Again, I shrug my shoulders. "Lucky guess. I'm pretty good at sizing people up."

I pay for the rentals and tie up my ice skates. Then I help Zayna, who lets out an exasperated sigh.

"Like I said, I've never done this before," she repeats. "I'm probably gonna eat shit and have to go to the ER."

"You'll be fine," I assure her, tying her laces into a double knot. "It's not that hard once you get into it."

"It is pretty here," she comments, gazing up at the sparkly foliage. "I live three blocks away. I can't believe I've never noticed a freaking ice rink."

"It's small, hidden by trees, and only open after dark. You'd be shocked how many people miss it," I say with a chuckle. "You ready?"


"You'll be fine, Zayna."

She rolls her honey-colored eyes and carefully rises to a stand. I take her hand in an effort to keep her upright and lead her toward the rink. I get on first—I played hockey as a kid, so I have some experience—and then assist her onto the icy ground. She squeezes my hand tighter as her knees start to buckle. I grab her waist to steady her.

"Easy there," I say, still clutching the soft curves of her torso. Her vibrant eyes meet mine, and a smile tugs at my lips.

"Thanks," she murmurs.

"Of course. You didn't think I'd let you fall, did you?"

"It would certainly be a first date to remember."

"I was kinda hoping you'd remember it for different reasons," I reply with a wink. Then I intertwine my fingers through hers as we slowly begin to glide across the ice.

We skate for an hour, our hands never disconnecting. Although inexperienced and somewhat clumsy, she gets the hang of it fast. Her short, choppy movements become graceful and elegant. Her nervous, clenched-teeth frown turns into a proud grin.

"You're doing so well," I praise her.

"I'm basically a natural," she remarks casually, flipping her dark hair off her shoulder with the hand that isn't encased in mine.

"Looks like we won't be going to the ER tonight, after all."

"Don't jinx it, bud."

We make one last round before collapsing onto a mahogany bench to take off our skates. She rests her head on my shoulder and closes her eyes.

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