Pickup Lines She Uses On You

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Candy Cane:

- "Do you know what would look great on you? My arms!"

- "Your hand looks heavy. Here, let me hold it for you."

- "Even if there was no gravity on planet Earth, I would still fall for you."


- "There is nothing sweeter than the beauty of your face."

- "After all this time, I thought happiness started with an 'H'. I just figured now that it actually starts with 'U'."

- "I wish I was your handbag so that I'll always be by your side."


- "I guarantee you—I'm not flirting with you! I'm just being extra nice to someone who's extra attractive."

- "Oh, you have something on your face. Wait, it's just the most beautiful smile I have ever seen."

- "I might need a pair of sunglasses because your smile is too dazzling for me."


- "I'm calling the cops! I'm pretty sure it's illegal to look as good as you."

- "I'm certain that when God created you, he was trying to show off."

- "In this world, there are things that money can't buy. You seem to be one of those things."

Jane The Killer:

- "I'm horribly lost. Can you give me the directions to your heart?"

- "You must be exhausted running in my mind all day long."

- "I'm warning you—I'm a thief and I'm here to steal your heart!"

Judge Angel:

- "I'm going to the optometrist to get my eyes checked. For some reason, I can't take them off of you."

- "If I could just rearrange the alphabet, I would definitely put 'U' and 'I' together."

- "I love your smile, but I love it more whenever I'm the reason behind it."

Kate The Chaser:

- "Please tell me your name so that I can ask Santa Claus that you're the one I want for Christmas."

- "Do you have a name, or can I just call you mine?"

- "Did the sun just come out, or did you just flash your smile at me?"

Killing Kate:

- "Aside from being sexy all day long, what do you do for a living?"

- "Can you tell me home address? I just would like to know where I'm going to live in the future."

- "Can you please pinch my cheeks? I'd like to make sure that this is not a dream, and the girl of my dreams is actually here in front of me."

Laughing Jill:

- "Let's play a game. If you want to go on a date with me, smile! If not, then do a hundred backflips."

- "Is there an airport nearby, or is that just my heart taking off?"

- "You're so pretty that you made me forget my pick-up line."


- "I really want to follow you home. That's because my parents always told me to follow my dreams."

- "There's only one thing that I want to change about you, and that's your last name."

- "You're pretty and I'm cute. Together, we'd be PRETTY CUTE!"

Nina The Killer:

- "You must be a broom because you just swept me off my feet."

- "Please tell your mom that I want her to be my mother-in-law."

- "Hey, you owe me some money. All this time, you've been living in my heart without paying rent!"

Nurse Ann:

- "If I was a cat, I'd spend all of my nine lives with you."

- "There's something wrong with my phone's auto-correct function. Every time I input your name, it changes to 'future wife'."

- "You must have been a very naughty angel that they kicked you out of heaven."


- "I'll give you a kiss, but promise me that you'll return it, okay?"

- "If kisses were snowflakes, I'd send you a blizzard."

- "Truth be told, you're making the other women here look average."

Suicide Sadie:

- "It's not my fault I fell in love with you. You're the one who tripped me."

- "On a scale of 1 to 10, you are 9, and I'm the 1 you need in your life."

- "Oh crap, my heart is leaving my body. It says it wants to belong to you."


- "You look really familiar. Oh, you're my future wife."

- "What's a magnificent work of art doing here? Wait, am I in a museum?"

- "Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk before you again?"

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