What You Two Do On Valentine's Day

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Candy Cane:
You two created a bucket list together. If any of you two have goals you wish to achieve this year, jot it down on a notebook and create your very own bucket list. It can include anything you two dream to do in life together! Any fun activities or experiences should be on the list!

You two went hiking. It's a great way to unplug and unwide during Valentine's Day. Maybe there's a favourite hiking spot where you live that you wanna check out again. Either way, you're bound to have fun since you're in great company with this lady. 

You two usual eat breakfast together so you created a waffle bar. You made the waffle batter and took out all the toppings your little heart desires. Let's just say you had to clean up a little mess in the end...

Emra took you out dancing, ballroom dancing that is. Since you're not used to dancing, she was there to help you learn and show you the ropes. Before you know it, you'll both be gliding along the dance floor. 

Jane The Killer:
Jane set up your living room to make it look like you two were in Pairs. She had all the sweets and a bottle of wine with some romantic music in the background, waiting for you to return home from work. 

Judge Angel:
You two became tourists in your own hometown. If there's a landmark in your town that you've always wanted to visit or a museum you've never seen, you were sure to go check it out. Take turns snapping a ton of photos through the day together. 

Kate The Chaser:
Kate's not a crafty person but you two made a scrapbook of your relationship. You gathered up photos of your relationship, maybe some tickets, and some nice notes you two gave to each other. Now you have a beautiful book that you both can treasure. 

Killing Kate:
Kate isn't one for yoga, but she was willing to try it for you. Not only is it good for the body, but it could also be good for your relationship! Who said you two had to go out and do yoga with other people? You two just stayed home and ended up goofing off. 

Laughing Jill:
You took Jill out and headed to your local pottery studio! What's more romantic than that? Not only could you get all the stress out, but you were able to relax with Jill next to you who was cracking terrible puns throughout the day. 

You two stayed home and baked delicious treats. Baking is a great way to spend more time with your significant other while having fun in the kitchen! You had to teach her a few things but other than that, your delicious treats were done with little to no mess in the kitchen!

Nina The Killer:
Why not go on a drive with each other? What's more relaxing than that? All you need for Valentine's Day is a sense of adventure and a car! Get out of your comfort zones while you two explore new terrain. 

Nurse Ann:
You two didn't do much for this special day besides staying in bed. You two created breakfast for each other and ate it in bed. It'll be a nice change of pace from your usual hustle in the mornings. 

Rouge took you out to a wine and chocolate tasting. Both delicious on their own, but even better together! Why not have a fun night out with Rouge as you two try new things? *I'm just going off what people say about wine! I don't drink! ^^"*

Suicide Sadie:
Whether you're good at crafting or not, you two had a crafty day. You two took a painting class at home before making things for each other. It will be special and the memories will last a lifetime. 

You two ended up staying home playing games together. No video games, but board games. You had to reread a couple of rules for the game, but other than that, you two had a blast as Zero kept calling you a cheater because you kept winning.  

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