VIII: uncomfy walks.

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Clammy hands are desperately being wiped against the dark of his worsted trousers. His feet are more restless than usual. Nervousness is a weird feeling.

He isn't going to lie, the aftermath of his previous talk with Jeongguk did leave a little dent on Taehyung's otherwise confident persona. Although he's not going to let a little awkward kiss get in the way of achieving those dreamy thighs of Jeongguk's, he feels his fast breathing affecting him more than it usually would.

As he is standing outside, eyeing the obnoxiously bright we're open! sign of the restaurant, he wonders if Jeongguk is even there. What if he's sick? Or has a day off? The trip would be an unnecessary waste of time then. Time he could've spent on drinking hot coffee and talk to Jimin over the phone. How inconvenient would it be if the reason Taehyung came wasn't even there?

Maybe this is all a stupid idea. Maybe Taehyung's naive for coming here, thinking wooing Jeongguk over will be an easy task after how he reacted the day before. Yeah, he's probably stupid. Yet he still finds himself pushing the glass entrance of the restaurant, unconsciously inhaling and holding the breath as he takes his first step inside.

Taehyung's eyes automatically begins searching for the delivery boy. It's a new habit, he guesses. Something that surprises him is how empty the room feels. It's the late afternoon of a usually busy workday, it would normally be way more packed. Not like he is an expert, he's only been here once before. Oh well, less people to witness Taehyung's poor attempt of wooing someone.

To his luck, Jeongguk is standing right by the cash register, seemingly busy with a task as he's scribbling words on a small post-it note. He doesn't notice the new customer at all. Taehyung finds it kinda cute how Jeongguk lightly bites the tip of his tongue when concentrating, his big and innocent eyes fixated on the note.

On one hand, Taehyung's questioning this whole thing. It's ridiculous when you think about it, and he knows at least one of them are probably going to end up hurt in the long run.

On the other hand, Jeongguk looks really cute when he fidgets with the chains around his neck. It's puzzling how someone could look so adorable with so many piercings and so much jewelry. It allegedly makes one more intimidating, Taehyung supposes Jeongguk wasn't exactly cute either when he was mad at him the other day, but the boy is usually very kawaii with his clueless stare and bunny looking teeth.

As Taehyung takes steps towards Jeongguk, he finally lifts his head up. An expression which was previously bright and welcoming, quickly falls into a knowing scowl at the sight of the customer. Taehyung ignores the stab-like feeling in his stomach.

"Look, if you're not gonna order a pizza, I can't help you." Jeongguk keeps his voice low, secretive. It's obvious he doesn't want the other here.

Taehyung's eyebrow quirks, "How highly unprofessional of you, denying service to an innocent customer." He eyes the menu above Jeongguk, pretending to be in deep thought of what to order.

"Whatever," Jeongguk sighs, "how may I help you, sir?" he tries to ask unbothered, but the cringe is evident in his tone. The corner of Taehyung's lips slip into a smirk, a smirk which Jeongguk clearly rolls his eyes at.

Damn, he's really good at damaging people's confidence.

"I would like some company when I walk home today." Taehyung says in his most professional voice, trying to stay calm. It's something he thought he'd master over the years, looking back at all the nerve wracking meetings he'd lead and important people he had to impress. There must be two types of nervous, and Taehyung surely sucked at hiding one of them.

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