V: and thus, we meet again.

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It's been two weeks.

Two weeks since Taehyung had the misfortune of getting stuck in an elevator with Jeongguk, and Taehyung hasn't seen the other since. He would pass the restaurant a few times when he would walk to work instead of taking public transport, and he never caught sight of the delivery guy. Not that he purposely looked for him. He would never.

He did everything but enjoy the time he was locked inside the small space with him. Life has been better without him. It's not like Jeongguk entered his life either, so it's kind of weird that Taehyung's mind didn't go a single day without thinking about him.

Well, not him. Of course Taehyung doesn't think about Jeongguk. What a ridiculous thought. But the incident itself pops into his mind quite often, more often than he'd like. And it is weird, because it's over. It has been over for a while now. It's not going to repeat itself or anything, so Taehyung shouldn't worry. Yet, he can't seem to get his brain to stop thinking about it.

Is he that lonely? Is his life so boring and uneventful that a simple mechanical mistake is enough to mess up his working routines and concentration?

Taehyung sighs and leans back in his office chair, pen in his mouth and analyzing the presentation before him. His teeth gently bite on the pen's cap, his tongue occasionally swirling around the small piece of plastic as well as he stares intently at the computer screen.

Jeongguk's dumb face pops up again.

Taehyung shuts his eyes, quickly shaking away any trace of the guy's facial features. Jeongguk slowly dissapears from his mind, and Taehyung opens his eyes again. "Ugh," he quietly says to himself, "what is going on?". He tosses his pen onto the desk with a sigh. Rubbing his eyes, he contemplates taking a break. Sitting still and staring at a screen for hours on end is seriously messing him up.

Still, he doesn't plan on leaving his office. A part of him wants to check up on how Jimin is doing, seeing as they haven't seen each other in some time. Taehyung picks up his phone. But he knows it'll just end up in a three hour call and Taehyung getting scolded by his boss.

Should he call the pizza place?

What the fuck? Taehyung widenes his eyes. No. What is he thinking?? In surprise, he locks his phone and lifts himself up from the chair. Walking to the back wall of the office, he takes in Seoul's tall skyscrapers and bright atmosphere.

Why would he even think about hitting Jeongguk up? He doesn't like Jeongguk, he never has. But he showed slight interest in getting to know him better.. did Jeongguk like him? Why would he? He probably just wants to take advantage of Taehyung, get closer to him, just to steal his money. Oh how Taehyung detests gold diggers. Only kind to you because of your wealth. It's always the poor ones as well.

Of course, it's not like rich people need to take advantage of other rich people, but it's never the middle class, always the poor ones.

Taehyung pinches the skin between his thumb and forefinger in hopes to forget. Forget Jeongguk, forget the annoyingly delicious pizza, and forget that the incident ever happened.

Taehyung winces in pain, it didn't work. He groans and turns around, a gloomy expression taking over his facial features. His phone is just lying there, waiting to get picked up. Waiting for Taehyung to dial in those ten digits and see Jeongguk again.

Does he really want to see Jeongguk again? A frown makes it's way to Taehyung's dry lips. Or does he really just like the pizza he tasted?

Either way, his jittery hands are hovering over the call button. An uncomfortable knot tying itself in Taehyung's stomach, he guesses he's feeling anxious. Never has he ever felt anxious over a simple phone call. Never has his hands trembled the way they're shaking his phone screen right now. Never has Taehyung second guessed himself like he's doing right now.

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