I: malfunction.

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"Yes ma'am, I'll have the documents ready next week."

Taehyung turns around and exits his boss' office, he leaves as quickly as he can. Her office always unsettles him for some reason. It was one of those rooms where you just feel left out. The expensive furniture and old paintings made it feel like a museum. Beautiful, cold and you're not allowed to touch anything. Taehyung can't comprehend how she can get any work done in such a bright and intimidating room.

Although the subject irks him, he decides to let it go.

As he's hastly walking down the long, bright corridor, he makes sure to greet everyone he passes. A calm little nod. It always ends up being his younger coworkers who nods back, or even smile. The older ones most often ignore him. His theory is that they're salty he always looks this good, and that he got such a job at his age. It's not everyday you see a twenty-three year old get a job this high up at the BigHit company. They're obviously jealous by the fact I make more than them. He thinks for himself, the thought makes him smirk in satisfaction. He flicks his wrist to look at the time. 3:16pm, hm. He has a few hours of work left. But seeing the thick stack of paper he has in his hold, an hour or two can quickly turn into several.

His own office comes into view, and he sighs. It's way more welcoming than his boss', Taehyung can actually concentrate here. He throws himself in his chair and begins to read through the documents he was given. A project about South Korea's public transport. The government wants to buy newer trains for around 130 billion won. It's a big project. Taehyung's job is to look through the many pages and make sure nothing is wrong or suspicious.

With a big coffee cup filled to the brim with not only coffee, but alcohol and energy drinks as well, he starts working.

- - • - -

"Uhm, good afternoon. I'm delivering two pizzas for a Mr. Jung Hoseok?"

The lady at the counter fails to notice Jeongguk for a few seconds, too focused on something the pizza man thinks is really important on the computer screen. He waits for a moment, and takes the time to look around. The entrance room is huge, bigger than he expected. It's mostly white as well, with a few grey sofas here and there, probably made for important business people to wait. Jeongguk takes in the smell as well, it smells clean. He doesn't know other ways to describe it, other than just clean. The big black clock on the wall shows the numbers 11:50, and Jeongguk wonders. Who orders pizza this late?

"Excuse me?" The lady says, and Jeongguk jumps, "I didn't quite catch that." her voice is high, almost a bit obnoxious.

Jeongguk calmly repeats his sentence, and the lady nods while clicking some keys on the keyboard in front of her. Her long acrylics makes the tapping a bit more frustrating than it needs to be, Jeongguk thinks. Although it's a nice filler for the otherwise way too silent room.

You'd think such a big company would be a bit more busy, especially right before a holiday like today. But you'd be wrong. No noise other than the irritating keyboard clicking and an elevator door opening could be heard.

Jeongguk doesn't pay much attention to the man that steps out the elevator.

The lady behind the counter stops tapping. "Yes of course, His office is on floor 14." And without questioning her about what took her so long, he smiles and thanks her.

"Thank you so much, have a wonderful night!" He waves.

He doesn't get an answer. Did I do too much? I feel like I did too much. He pushes the thoughts away from his mind and carefully lifts the pizza boxes off the tall marble counter without making too much noise. He eyes the elevator the man previously exited, he heads for that one. The other one is out of order, so he figured he doesn't have much of a choice.

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