Chapter 15. The return of Isao Namba and his proposal to Nagato and Mutsu

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Name: Isao Namba

You awake in a strange place and see the Emperor

Emperor Hirohito's Spirit: Young Namba?

Isao Namba: **groans** Your majesty?

Emperor Hirohito's Spirit: Let help you. **extends his right arm towards you**

You accept his arm and he pulls you up.

Isao Namba: **looks down** I'm standing on.....water?

Emperor Hirohito's Spirit: Not just any water, but the water from The Shrine. The birth place of a soul and spirit.

Isao Namba: Where am I?

Emperor Hirohito's Spirit: The Yushenmu Young Namba.

Isao Namba: What do you mean your majesty?

Emperor Hirohito's Spirit: Follow me Young Namba.

You follow the Emperor's spirit through the water.

Emperor Hirohito's Spirit: This is where we go after death on Earth Young Namba. The mind, heart, will, dignity, and soul live on. Your spirit comes here when you pass.

Isao Namba: Your majesty, am I stuck here forever?

Emperor Hirohito's Spirit: Because you are chosen Young Namba, no. But this is where we watch over you from.

Mother and Father: **hugs you** There's our boy.

Isao Namba: Mother and father? **returns the hug**

Colonel Togo: Sir?

Isao Namba: Togo?

You hug him to and he returns the hug.

Emperor Hirohito's Spirit: Young Namba, you have done well my friend. You have avenged us all. I am proud of you, not just me, but everyone is to. Not only have you achieved duty, will, and purpose in life, but you spared the life of a child that was fighting for a lost cause.

Isao Namba: **bows** I didn't fail you, your majesty. I have kept my word.

Emperor Hirohito's Spirit: Right you are my friend. We can all rest in peace thanks to you Young Namba. But where one story ends, another begins.

Mean while

Nagato: **sniffing** I will forever miss him

Mutsu: **sniffing** I can feel your pain Nagato-nee.

Mikasa: I'll give you two some time. **bows and leaves**

Commander: I will give you two as much time as you need. I can understand the pain and sadness. Let me know when you feel like you are ready to continue your duty.

Nagato and Mutsu: **sniffing** Thank you commander-san.

Commander: Thank you two, you have trained a man to end this war and he did. **bows and leaves**

Nagato: I think I might of had **sniffing** feelings for him Mutsu-nee.

Mutsu: **sniffing** I did too Nagato-nee.

After a few hours, they manage to calm down a little bit.

Mutsu: We should pay our respects to Young Namab Nagato-nee.

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