Chapter 13. Sensei Mutsu and training

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Recap: You have received a new uniform and went to the The Temple of The Shrine Maiden to wait for Mutsu to arrive in the morning.

Back to present

You are currently asleep on an old bench waiting for Mutsu to come.

Isao Namba: **peacefully sleeping**

Mutsu's view

Mutsu's Thoughts: I am currently hiking through a forest, how exciting. I have always wanted to hike somewhere and here I am doing it. I hope Young Namba is at the top waiting for my arrival and is safe from any harm. Right me, focus, your job is to teach Young Namba the ways of recovery of the Katana and other parts he doesn't know about. I have six months to do this, the fate if Humanity is in my hands and teaching Young Namba.

She reaches the Temple of The Shrine Maiden and sees you sleep on an old bench.

Mutsu: Hey, if he is to call me Sensei, then I am to act like one. And the first rule is no sleeping during my lessons.

Your view

You awake from a voice that you hear and stand up to see Mutsu has arrived.

Isao Namba: **wakes up and stands up** Huh? Oh, good morning Sensei Mutsu. Let the training begin yes? **bows**

Mutsu: **bows** Of course, no time to waste. Now help me get everything set up Young Namba.

Isao Namba: **bows** Understood Sensei Mutsu.

Mutsu: Refer to me as Senei okay?

Isao Namba: **bows** Yes Sensei.

You help Mutsu set up the Temple of The Shrine Maiden and finish in thirty minutes with breaking a sweat.

Mutsu: Woo, now let I can begin our lessons Young Namba, understood?

Isao Namba: Yes Sensei.

Mutsu: Good, now, the first thing is that everyday we will start off with stretches. So lets start with them.

Isao Namba: **stands up and bows** Understood Sensei.

Mutsu: Good, now the first stretch is easy for beginners. Spread your legs apart and reach for your toes and count to twenty.

Isao Namba: Yes Sensei. **spreads his legs apart, reaches for his toes, and counts to twenty**

Mutsu: **spreads her legs apart, reaches for her toes, and counts to twenty** Good, the next stretch is a little harder. Stand one leg and pull the other leg up. Next, put your left hand on that leg. Then, pull that leg in and out. Finally, count to thirty.

Isao Namba: **bows** Yes sensei.

You do as she says and count to twenty.

Mutsu: Now switch.

You switch legs and do the same.

Mutsu: Good, now the final stretch is the hardest. Stand on leg and spin one that leg while also maintaining your balance.

Isao Namba: **bows** Of course Sensei. **spins on leg**

After you finish the stretches, she moves onto the next part.

Mutsu: Good, the second thing we will do everyday is unsheathing your sword faster than your opponent.

Isao Namba: **bows** Understood Sensei. **draws the Katana way before Mutsu could**

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