Christmas/New Years [Basket] Special

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A/N: Ohmygosh. Thank you all so much for reading this!! It's been so amazing to see so many more KagaKuro shippers on here when I thought there was so few ;_; Because of all of the positive feedback, I've decided something. I know a lot of you really like this story and want me to continue it but the thing is, I really don't have any more ideas for it sadly =( It was really good as my first KnB story, I myself enjoyed it and still do. So, instead I'll be releasing a new KagaKuro story in the new year. I've been wanting to do a new one but just hadn't gotten any good ideas for one until now (thanks plot bunnies!).

So be looking out for Retail Price in the coming year, and I hope you enjoy this Christmas/New Year special of JKM!

*Remember this takes place after the epilogue so Kuroko calling Kagami by his first name has been established, and well Kagami calls Kuroko by his first name on... special occasions ;) I hope you enjoy reading!

Setting: Established relationship, Domestic!KagaKuro


Christmas/New Years [Basket] Special

"Taiga-kun, are you ready?" Kuroko asked as he waited in the hallway just before the doorway leading out of Kagami's apartment. He was dressed in a dark yukata for the occasion with many layers underneath to ensure warmth in the chilly weather. Although it was just a plain boy's yukata, it still really boosted his appeal and even made the stoic teen look more mature.

"Yeah, be right there!" Kagami called from the other room where he was willing away the blush that kept making itself known on his face. He couldn't help it.

Kuroko was just too damn cute right now.

"Taiga-kun, were you able to put the yukata on properly?" Kuroko asked this since it was his boyfriend's first time wearing one after all.

"Y-Yeah of course I was able to! Sheesh, I'm not like a little kid!" Kagami yelled back, still flustered, and Kuroko being able to call him by his first name so easily did not help!

"Then why are you causing such a big fuss?" Kuroko asked just as he appeared in the doorway of the spare bedroom Kagami had used to change in. To say Kagami was shocked was an understatement. Kuroko sighed when he saw Kagami's state, "Here, let me do it."

All Kagami could do was grumble something incoherent while Kuroko walked to stand behind him. He started to tighten the Koshi-Himo properly and made sure the fabric was in the right place. He then grabbed the maroon-colored obi and tied it around in its proper setting; it was a shade darker than Kagami's dark red yukata — the color matching his hair.

When Kuroko finished, he slapped Kagami's back and the dark redhead yelped in surprise and instantly turned around to face his boyfriend.

"What the hell was that for, bastard?!"

"All done," Kuroko responded as if he didn't hear Kagami's shouts. Kagami continued sputtering obscene grumbles and shouts but Kuroko just walked toward the door. "Are you ready now, Taiga-kun? We should get going."

Kagami's grumbles stopped as he growled under his breath but followed after his partner nonetheless. When they made it to the door, Kagami finally spoke clearly — even with a light blush dusting his cheeks. "You look really good..."

Kuroko looked up at the taller boy and smiled, "Thank you, Taiga-kun looks very handsome in his yukata too."

No matter that they had been dating for a while now and grown even closer, Kuroko's straight-faced replies would always cause Kagami to get flustered. Kuroko always found his blushing Tiger's face the cutest sight to behold.

Just Kiss Me [Kuroko no Basket FanFic Short-Story, KagaKuro]Where stories live. Discover now