Basket [05] Never The End : Kiss Me More

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A/N: Hey, guyz! So sorry this came out so late >.< It came out later than I intended it too, I just got tied down to other stuff so sorry! D= So I hope you're all ready for the finale and epilogue to this~ I had a lot of fun writing it because I love this couple so much and enjoy making their reactions, I hope to make future KagaKuro stories but I do need your help with prompts and such! Thank you to everyone reading this and who have voted, hope to hear from you down in the comments~!

[DISCLAIMER] DestinyGirlz does not own Kuroko no Basket. She wishes she did, quite fervently.

~Ohmygoodness I found the perfect song that could literally be the theme song for this whole fic - Kiss Me Slowly by Parachute. It describes Kuroko and Kagami so perfectly and I just love it! <3 Well, it would be more perfect if the "she" was "he"...~


                    Basket [05] Never The End : Kiss Me More 

The Student Council of Seirin High School had just dismissed from their weekly meeting and Himito stayed behind like always to clean up and make sure folders for projects were properly together for next time. It was relatively quiet in the tidy room, so the ravenette was startled when the door to the classroom opened suddenly.

Sharp blue eyes turned to meet smoldering brown. Riko Aida stood in the doorway wearing an annoyed look, and Himito immediately stopped what she was doing. She raised a dark brow when the irritated brunette shut the door closed behind her and walked a few steps into the room.

The air seemed tense, so Himito decided to wait it out until her friend was ready to... well, come out with whatever it was that was bothering her. She didn't have to wait long, because in the next second the coach of Seirin's basketball team exploded.

"Those two are becoming too much!" Ah, there was that explosion, and Himito chose to sit down in her comfy chair. Might as well make herself comfortable for this...

"What did they do now?" This line had become so repetitive for the black-haired girl that it now flowed casually from her mouth.

Riko sauntered over to Himito and sat down in the same seat she usually did and shoved the phone screen directly into the SC president's face. "Just look through these!"

Himito's eyes were curious as she stared at the screen of text messages. She took the phone from her friend and started in the beginning of the conversation between her and Hyuga Junpei — Seirin's captain.

Riko, we have to do something about those freshmen! -HJ

Who are you talking about, Hyuga-kun? -AR

I'm talking about Kagami and Kuroko! -HJ

Oh, ugh, what did they do this time? -AR

I found them making-out in the club's locker room! -HJ

Himito had to stop reading for a second to bust out into laughter. Her blue eyes had been swimming with amusement upon reading the conversation up until that point, but she couldn't hold in the laughter anymore. Riko just huffed next to her, so she continued reading. (Though the image of the clutch-shooter captain walking in on such a moment with her OTP was truly hilarious)




Just Kiss Me [Kuroko no Basket FanFic Short-Story, KagaKuro]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora