Basket [04] Kiss Me Slowly

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A/N: Hello to all you lovely people out there~! Thank you so much for reading this and to all those who have voted for this, thank you all so much! =D Don't be afraid to comment, I love getting those! And Late-chan, I really hope you enjoy this chappie~! It's the long-awaited one ^-^

[DISCLAIMER] Kuroko no Basket is not owned by me. This is purely Fan Fiction (with the exception of Himito and the plot), made by a fan, for fanz. Please support the official release!

~The pic to the side will make sense in this story - you'll see xD And there isn't a KagaKuro AMV this time, instead I went with the song I thought really fit the two... Hanging By A Moment by Lifehouse.~ Enjoy!


                                           Basket [04] Kiss Me Slowly

Kagami wasn't sure what he did to make Kuroko so upset, but he found himself slightly fearful of the bad mood his shadow was in.

It started at breakfast, when Kagami noticed the short replies that the normally polite and calm phantom would give. Plus, there was a dark aura radiating around Kuroko that had Kagami second guessing everything. The guy could be just as scary as that Akashi when angry!

Is he still mad at me for feeding him too much last night? Or did I do something else? Kagami could only think as they walked together on the school grounds.

Kagami peered over at his silently brooding shadow. "Hey, Kuroko... I don't get it, did I do something?"

Right before they reached the main building, Kuroko suddenly stopped and yanked Kagami down to his level by the collar of his uniform.

Kagami could only stare wide-eyed as Kuroko had brought their faces dangerously close together and he was staring straight into intense blue. When Kuroko got like this, his eyes seemed darker and more intense as they practically skewered you on the spot.

Kagami could feel sweat building on his face as their eyes held. Kuroko sighed and let go of his hold on Kagami — sending him back a few steps. Without looking back, the phantom strode into school, leaving a puzzled Kagami in his wake.

                                                         . * . * .

Himito had stopped in her tracks when she saw the scene unfold. It was almost like... Kuroko was going to force a kiss on Kagami!

"Interesting..." The ravenette murmured to herself as both her and Kagami watched the bluenette walk inside the building.

Himito decided to make her presence known and walked up to slap Kagami on the back.

"Good morning, Kagami-kun! So what was all that about?" The dark-haired girl asked pleasantly, smiling at the confused tiger.

"Uh..." Kagami was taken aback by the student council president showing up all of a sudden. "Huh? You saw that?!"

Himito wore a cheesy grin that unnerved Kagami slightly. "Oh, I did."

Kagami just huffed, but he had a forlorn look on his face as he stared off in the direction his partner went to.

Himito noticed this and she responded much softer. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Kagami shook his head, seeming to be in his own world. "I'm not sure... I don't get it, did I do something wrong?"

Just Kiss Me [Kuroko no Basket FanFic Short-Story, KagaKuro]Where stories live. Discover now