Chapter Thirteen- The Deathly Treasure Chest

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" That will be about four hundred pounds, Mr.Styles" the clerk with red hair informed me, standing behind the shiny,glass table. I reached into my pocket and whipped out four, crisp one hundred pound bills onto the counter. The clerk pursed a smile onto her thin lips, delighted with the useless pieces of paper I presented her just moments ago.

"Have a nice day" she smiled, sliding the nicely packaged ring box towards me. "You too" I murmured, gripping onto the box, walking the opposite direction from the counter.

As I entered outside the quite expensive jewelry shop, the cold British wind wacked me like a freight train, sending goose bumps up and down my body.

I quickly ran toward my small,red bug, opening it slick door. The warmness of the car made me feel more relaxed. Should you even be doing this? I asked myself, motioning my thumbs up and down,side to side on the dark,blue velvet of the ring box.

After Payton told me that she was pregant, I left in denial. The baby couldn't possibly be mine. But then I remember, Payton has never even slept with someone,besides me. It was too bad that the thought of that hit me, right when I landed in London.

A vision hit me afterwards, putting me in a transe. It was about three years in the future, I think. We were in a cozy looking kitchen, I was sitting down in a wooden chair, holding a baby with the nicest eyes ever, one blue and the other green. She had soft, chocolate brown curls with golden highlights. Her puffy,white party dress tickled my thigh, I bounced the beautiful baby girl on my left leg, as she giggled in responce.

" Don't bounce her too much now, for all you know her brain could become mush!" A girl with curly,golden hair called out from the kitchen stove, thirty feet away from us, she was flipping pancakes,humming a familiar tune,that I feel like I've heard before, a long time ago. "I wouldn't dare turn my baby Darcy's brain into mush" I cooed to the todler, planting a big kiss onto her frail forehead, as she giggled again in responce. The girl with golden hair, sauntered over to me,her white sundress flowing behind her. She carefully knelt down, her pink, cupid bow lips inches away from my face. "You mean our baby Darcy?" She seductively asked, placing her lips onto mine,before I could answer back.

I snapped out of the fantasy, I chocked on my breath, speechless. It's crazy how some dreams could feel so, well, real. My eyes were still glued to the velvet box, begging me to open it. I gave in, and opened to see it's treasure. A small, diamond ring gazed up at me, as it glistened in the sunlight of the beautiful afternoon.

I pulled out of the small parking way, and made my way home, to the small town of Cheshire.



"Harry,Darling, would you like another cup of tea" my mother questionably yelled up the stairs. "No, no I'm fine!" I called back, sitting at the edge of my white, duvet sheets of my big bed. My eyes were still glued to the velvet box sitting in front of me. As my hand reached for it, another scenario started to play in my mind.

It was about fifteen years into the future, we were in a different room now. The walls were covered in a beige wallpaper, crimson candles covered every flat surface of the room, their bright, flickering glows, giving me warmth. There was the same woman with golden hair, but it was more straight, she wore a long, navy dress that flowed out around her, like a wave. She still looked was still ageless, but she had an angry expression on her face. I was very confused, until I saw a Baggie in her hand, filled with multicolored pills. She was looking at someone, as if she was very disappointed in them, I looked to the other side of the room, to where she was looking at.

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