18) Right time

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Y'all finna be mad lmaoooo


"Look if East put you up to this call I don't wanna hear it." I say rolling my eyes and lean back in my chair looking at myself in the mirror East recently put in here.

"Bitch who you talking to?" Mehgan yells through the phone

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"Bitch who you talking to?" Mehgan yells through the phone.

I roll my eyes. After the whole drunk fiasco things between East and I have been a little off. You would think that after confessing your love for someone you would be able to accept the decision they have decided to make with their body but no. We just continue to argue over me not wanting to keep the baby.

In fact. We've been arguing all weekend and the beginning of this week (it's Wednesday if anybody's lost) about me not wanting to keep the baby.

"I can't do this right now I'm at work Mehg." I sigh.

"I don't give a damn where you are. Why don't you wanna talk to me about this." She asks softening her tone at the end.

"I just don't. Everyone sounded so excited when they found out about the baby except for me. On top of that I didn't even get to tell y'all East did."

"Okay. So how do you feel?" She asks.

I look at the clock and see that it's time for me to get off. "I don't want the baby Megh. It doesn't fit into my life right now and I don't need the stress of possibly having tony in my life because I don't know the father."

"I take it by the way you answered the phone East ain't with it?" She asks.

I feel tears running down my face and quickly wipe them. "Not at all. He wants me to keep the baby. He doesn't even care if it not his. But the worse part is all of this is happening and professed his love for me Mehg."

"HE DID WHAT." She screams causing me to pull the phone away from my ear.

"I know and I felt so bad."

"Well bitch do you love him?" She asks

I didn't even think about that. I never even gave him a response to that. "Honestly. I love him. But I'm not in love with him. He's a great guy but I have too much going on. I'm in the middle of a divorce for Pete's sake."

"That makes sense. You tell him all this?"

"No. I froze up. I didn't even say anything back except I didn't want the baby." I say mentally face palming.

"Bitch I should slap you. That's probably why the man nagging at you."

"I don't know. He seems really set on this baby. I mean he's practically moved in to make sure I'm taking care of it."

"Well y'all should go out to a restaurant. You know those boujie places you like to go to. And have a conversation. Even playing fields and it can't get out of hand because you're in public."

I'll wait for you. (Dave East)Where stories live. Discover now