Old Friends New Enemy's

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You have to fight against your old school.
You leaved the shed without saying anything
There's a park nearby were you could be alone with your thoughts .
You sit there alone , it's quiet .
Now you can hear someone stomping through the snow you looked up to see Nonna .
She sits down next to you but immediately jumps up again as the school uniform (which she's wearing)
doesn't include trousers only a skirt.
And sitting down on snow while only wearing a thin skirt is not very smart .
"Snow is cold you know that right?" you laughed.
"Oh you're such a gentleman"
You give her your coat to sit on .
"So what shocked you before?" Nonna asked
"oh it's nothing" you answered
"if you say so ."

"Nonna? Can I show you something?"
"sure , go ahead"
"then follow me"

You lead her into a small forest and bring her to a small clearing were an old tank stood half buried .
"Is that a KV-1 756 (r)?"
"Yes it is"

"Do you want check if it still works?"

"of course !" Nonna almost screeched

You get in through the already opened drivers hatch . Nonna get's in commanders hatch .
You try to start the tanks engine at first nothing happens but the you can bear the engine roar you drive forward out of the forest you then asked Nonna to see if the tank is still able shoot
The tank shot out a shell
You never saw someone excited as Nonna is right now.
You drove the tank to the tanksheds and told Nonna to shoot again
Katyusha ran out of the sheds "what's going on her-" She stopped as she saw the tank  "Is that a KV-1 756 (r)?!"
Nonna came out of the tank
"Yes it is, Denis found it !"
"I-It's amazing" seems like Katyusha likes the tank .
You drove the tank into one of the sheds and then walked to the apartment blocks with Nonna and Katyusha.
As Nonna brings Katyusha to her apartment she asks you to wait here.
Ten minutes later Nonna came out again and joined you on your way to your apartment as arrive there you knocked on the Door several times
"come on , open up! "
"Let me guess nobody's opening .
I don't wonder why , it's pretty late you know"
"well I guess I have to spend the night outside ."
"Well you could sleep at my place " Nonna said
"If it doesn't bother you "

"There's only one thing "
"What ?"
"I only have one bed. "
" That means we would sleep next to each other " you said now blushing lightly
"yeah..." Nonna replied now also blushing.
You both didn't say another word on the way there same as you arrived not a single word .

laying in bed you both faced away from each other but later Nonna turned around you did the same .
Nonna was already sleeping but you're awake .
You slowly began to fall asleep yourself.
Then you felt that Nonna slowy came closer to you  .
After that you fell asleep.

The next morning
Someone is poking you .
opening your eyes you see Nonna smiling at you
"Good morning sleepyhead "

"Good morning " You reply half asleep.
You stand up and put on your clothes
Nonna offers you to stay for breakfast
"It would be rude to not stay wouldn't it?" you asked
So you sat down on a chair
You enjoyed eating breakfast with Nonna.
After eating breakfast you say goodbye to her and make your way to your apartment
Arriving there you knock on the door
Ivan opens the door
"What do you want? Oh it's you Denis come in "
"Where were you last night my friend?" he then asked
"That's not important now Ivan. Is Sergei here too? "
"Yes, comrade he is " he answered
"Wait Ivan , is everything okay with you? Are you drunk?"
"Me drunk? No no comrade ! I only had five bottles of vod-" he said before
falling to the ground .
"Oh holy mother of god , what an idiot"
You leave him there and enter the apartment
"Hey Denis " Sergei greets you
"Don't tell me you're drunk too" you asked
"Nope I'm completely sober but you should take a look at Klara I think she had one bottle to much. "
"What's wrong with her? "
"Well she doesn't wake up I literally tried anything"
"Get me a bucket with ice cold water "
"Okay if you say so"
A few minutes later he returns with the bucket you ordered him to get.
He hands you the bucket.
"What now?" he asks
"I'll wake her"
You spill the cold water on her
"Chto za chert ?!" Klara screamed
(what the Hell?!)
"Good morning" you and Sergei said.
"ty s uma soshel ?!"
(are you two crazy?!)
"Да" you both said laughing
"Well now that you're awake you can help us with Ivan " you added
"What do you mean ? What's wrong with him?" she asked
"Go and take a look yourself " you told her.
"Why is he laying here? "
"Because five bottles of vodka were to much for him" you said
"Oh right we drank some vodka last night"
"Guys Katyusha texted me that where supposed to come some kind of meeting into tank sheds" Sergei said
"And what about Ivan?" Klara asked
"I think we have to carry him " Sergei answered
"Well here goes nothing" you said.
So you carry him to the tank sheds .
There all the other tank crews are waiting for you .
"Oh they finally arrived " Katyusha said
"Yes we're here . " you answered
"So what is it ?" Sergei than asked
"We're making plans for the upcoming match and I thought it would be good if everyone now about them."
"Well then tell me what your plans are. "
She shows you map of the location of the match
"These are the KV-2 , IS-2 and the KV 1 756 (r) ."
She points to a drawing of three tank
"Wait,  who's commanding the KV 1 756 (r) ?" you interrupt her.
"I thought that would be obvious, You will command the KV 1 756 (r) !"
"Me? But I don't have any knowledge of commanding a heavy tank !" you said
"I'm sure that you'll be fine . But now back to my plan!"
"Okay" you simply answered
"these three will use the forest as a shortcut and attack the enemy from behind.  My T-34 will be the flagtank escorted by five other T-34 the battle will also be at night so be sure to paint your tanks in night camouflage!"
"Yes Commander!" everybody shouts
The whole tankery team then went to paint they're tanks .
Till everybody was done a few hours passed
"Wait didn't we forget something ?" asked Klara as you Sergei and her leaved the shed
"Oh we forgot Ivan ." Sergei said
"I'll go get him "
Then you carry him back to the apartment .
The next days were mostly boring.  First school then the training then sleep and repeat.

The Day of the match
All tanks stood in they're starting position waiting for the sound of the flak gun to shoot
then a small explosion could be heard signaling the start of the match
The tanks rolled out the small attack force under the command of Nonna made its way through the forest.
The forest was really beautiful at this time of the night .
The roaring of the tank engines destroys the atmosphere .
Moonlight fights its way through the branches .
Nonna signals you to stop at the edge of the forest from there you can overlook a big valley tanks are driving in the distance.
There are three German panthers four soviet T-34 and a TK-3 tankette.

To be continued

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