The hunt for Sergei

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Sergei PoV :
You a message from Denis it's say "I'll get my revenge for that pic you prick

You now what that means he will hunt you now and he's probably
not alone.
You need some support from a friend

You call him .

Denis PoV:
He knows I'm searching for him
were would a Sergei hide
" I know it the tanksheds"
You head there as fast as you can.
As you arrive there you spy through a hole in the fence.
You see Sergei and Ivan build a wall of snow.
You walk on the other side of the sheds there are some crates standing there you climb on the roof of the sheds and tell Klara to attack from the front he will attack from above .
Klara launched her attack throwing snowball after snowball .
On the roof of the sheds there's a lot of snow you roll all the snow into one big ball.
As your done the ball is almost as big as you you roll it over the edge where Ivan and Sergei make there stand as it falls Ivan looks up and tried to warn Sergei but it was to late it landed on they're heads and buried them in snow only they're stuck out.

But then the door of one of the sheds opened and Katyusha and Nonna came outside.
"What are you doing here ?! Why Sergei and Ivan buried in snow and why is Denis here didn't Nonna forbid
him to get out of his apartment?!"
You remember what Sergei told you on your first day here
"if Nonna is angry she can get dangerous!"
Now she's probably angry because of you so .......


You jump of the sheds and land right next to Sergei then you begin running
because of the screams behind you
you now she's getting after you.

At the apartment you slam the door open and run closing the door behind you.

An hour later

You slowly open the door but then someone slams it open from the other side it's Nonna she grabs you and shakes you full of anger then throws you down and says "you'll come to the tanksheds tomorrow then you'll begin training."
Sergei comes in
"are you ok?"
"Yes" you reply.

The next day

Today you start your training

You got informt that Klara is your gunner,Sergei your driver and Ivan is loading the gun .
Your tank was a T-34-57
You and your crew head to the tank sheds you find Katyusha waiting for you she tell where stands and to add a name to it.
After a long conversation we called it husaria

Training was hard today all of the sudden Katyusha announced that there will be a match against St. Gloriana

And what's even worse his tank is the flag tank.

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