Chapter 7

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Cameron's POV


It's been about three weeks since the incident with Ky and he's been avoiding and ignoring me since.

I don't blame him.

That was a dumb thing to do, I shouldn't have.

I just..couldn't help myself.

He was right there and he actually looked happy and like he was having fun, and I ruined it.

Now, he's back to the way he was when I first met him, ignoring people, being alone, always writing in that damn journal of his.

That journal...

You have no idea how curious I am to know what else he writes in that.

Poetry? Stories? Is it like a diary?

I sigh.

I miss him.

He was my only friend and now he won't even let me near him.

So here I am.

Across the lunch room.

Staring at him.

He's sitting alone at the table we used to sit at together, he's hardly eating and is writing up a storm in his journal.

He hasn't even looked up since he's sat down.

I know, I know.

I'm a fucking creeper.

I don't care, I love him.

I have the right to-


Wait, wait, wait..

Do I love him?

I know I've been falling for him, but do I really love him?..


Yes, I do.

I've never felt this way about anyone before, especially to the point where I'm practically stalking the person.

I just wish he'd accept my apology and we could just go back to the way it was before.

I'd rather be just friends than nothing at all..


Kyler's POV


He's looking at me.

I know he is.

I don't even have to look up, I feel his eyes on me.

Three weeks ago he kissed me.

Three weeks ago I started acting like I never knew him.

Three weeks ago I started missing him..

I hate it.

I don't need people.

I'm independent.

I'm the kid in the back corner who nobody knows.

I like being unnoticed, I don't strain for attention like everyone else.


I miss...

His attention.

I miss his smile.

I miss his laugh.

I miss how he was always able to make me smile even if it was annoying.

I miss,

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2012 ⏰

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