Chapter 4

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Took awhile but finally got to this. School made it difficult.


Kyler's POV

Cameron and I have been "hanging out" a lot lately.

Well. Mostly it's just him following me around. But I'm not complaining. I don't mind him following me around. Unlike most people, he isn't all that bad and I don't mind his company.

I actually attempt to respond to him more than just a nod or shake of the head. I'll write something on a page of my notebook, rip it out and let him read it and then answer. It's not the quickest method if I wanted to say something long, but I normally don't.

I'm still not sociable and I doubt I ever will be.

I don't want to be either.

I'm perfectly fine having conversations with Cameron and Cindy and Karen once in awhile.

Today something was different though. I couldn't find Cameron when I reached school. Turns out he was absent. For some reason that made me...kind of sad. I'm not really sure why though. I guess because he's my friend and I've been so used to him being here that now that he isn't. I feel alone. I usually like being alone. But I don't right now. It feels.. wrong.

Why is Cameron absent?

Is he okay?

Is he sick?



No, no, no, I shouldn't get myself worked up over this. He's fine. He probably just skipped or caught something. I shouldn't worry so much.

In fact, I think I'm worrying a bit TOO much.

I brush it off and go through the day alone.

I felt somewhat empty.

I missed having Cameron there.

Cameron's POV


I lay on my bed in pain.

Ow... I can't believe him, I fucking hate him. How'd he even know I'm friends with Ky?


Since when did I start referring to Kyler as Ky? Oh it doesn't matter.

I just hate my dad. He's so judgemental. So what if Ky can't talk? Not his fault. It doesn't change anything.

He's the only person around here who makes any sense to me. Everyone's like....their heads aren't screwed on right.

I lift up my shirt to reveal my already bruising stomach and chest.

Why must he do this?..

I cover my face in my hands and suddenly jerk up.

I was never able to tell Kyler I wouldn't be in school!!!

Then again I didn't even know myself. But. He probably thought I ditched him. Oh no. No, no, no. NO.


Calm the fuck down Cameron.

It'll be okay.

Why are you even worrying so much?

What are you, a fag?



Yes, you are.


"FUCK!!!" I scream out and bang my head against a wall.

"What...the wrong with me..." I utter to myself under breaths.

I finally return to bed after several minutes and lay down to sleep.

I think...... And not about Kyler!!!! He just makes it worse!!



He makes it better....

Ugh. I need to sleep on this.

And with that I fell asleep.

Kyler's POV

Cameron didn't come to school again today.

I keep telling myself that he's just sick but I can't help but think he's trying to avoid me. What did I do? Did I annoy him since I don't talk?

So many questions.

And he's not here to answer.

Or to protect me..

"Aye, silent kid" I heard the unmistakeable voice of Brad say.

I froze in my tracks and winced as I felt his breath on the back of my neck.

He pushed me down and I fell face first on to the floor. I still remained silent but I could feel the burning pain on my nose and the years start to trickle down my cheeks.

I started to try and get up but he began kicking at my side. I wriggled in pain. He lifted me up and punched me right in the face and I fell to the floor. Then I watched as Brad laughed and kicked me one more time before walking away.

I lay there in pain, covered in my tears that were still falling.

Where was Cameron?

I need him..

And then I blacked out.

Cameron's POV

I finally decide to go to school after thinking thoroughly about last night. I came to the fact that Kyler is just my best friend. Nothing more and nothing less. Whatever it was that I was thinking before was just silly ideas.

I turned to the right and saw, laying there in the middle of the hall, Kyler.

My heart dropped. I rushed over to him and lifted him up slightly.

"Ky?".. I asked nervously

"Ky?!" I asked again more scared and shook him.

No response.

Oh man.

This is all my fault.

I wasn't here to protect him.

I could feel my eyes well up and I picked him up and ran to my car.

I put him in the passengers seat, buckled him up, closed the door, ran around to the other side, got in, started the ignition, and stepped on it.

No way am I ever letting this happen again.

I drive him as fast as I can towards the hospital.

I kept glancing back at him.

He looked awful... I can't believe I wasn't there to protect him.

Even though we haven't known each other for a long time, he's a really great guy.

People can't see pass him being mute..he's adorable...and smart..and...

I heard a car horn and I looked back at the road and swiveled quickly out of the way of another car.


I need to pay more attention to the road.

But..what was I just saying? He's my friend. That's all...

Oh god... Who am I kidding, I'm falling for him..

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