Chapter 3

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Not the best chapter, but I really wasn't sure what to write for Cameron's POV >.< Next chapter will be better :3


Kyler's POV

That Cameron guy was really weird. In a good way. Kinda. The fact that he invaded the privacy of my journal did NOT make me happy. But the fact that he thinks I'm a good writer is nice to know. And I he seems to really understand the point of not wanting to speak and how so many people don't realize the good things in the world. I like that. It's weird. I never expected to have anything in common with anyone. Mostly because I didn't expect to make conversation with anyone. But it was okay. We were both sort of awkward which leads me to think that he doesn't really talk to a lot of people either.

Just before I could finish my thoughts a strong pain is flung at me right in my face. Before I know what's happening I'm lifted off the ground by my shirt and shoved up against a locker. My eyes widen in horror as I understand what's happening.

"Well, well, well, looks like we got us another emo around here" says the causer of my pain.

I gulp and close my eyes as he punches me again. I silently yelp and dart my eyes around frantically for help but everyone just keeps passing by as if this is nothing.

"Emo boy doesn't wanna talk, eh. Well, I'll make you talk" he says.

I squint my eyes close as I await another blow to the face.

"Leave him alone" a frail voice says.

I open my eyes to see Cameron standing behind my attacker and I can tell he's scared shitless.

"Oh and what are you going to do about it??" my attacker taunts.

"Just leave him be, Brad. He didn't do anything to you." Cameron speaks a bit more confidentially.

"Well why doesn't he talk, eh? He can't be hurt too much if he isn't asking me to stop." Brad speaks smirking.

"He can't talk you dick. Just leave him the fuck alone." Cameron tells him.

I drop to the floor as Brad lets go of me and throws a punch at Cameron.

"Have fun, emo fairies" Brad says walking out of the hall.

It was now completely empty except for Cameron and me. I could hardly move.

Cameron stood up and walked over to me. "Need help?" he asks.

I nod and he lifts me up so I'm on my feet. I silently thank him and try walking but completely fail because of how dizzy I am and fall back. Luckily Cameron catches me. "I think we'd better get you to the nurse" he says to me.

I nod slightly and he helps walk me to the nurse's office.

The nurse has me lay down, which is probably for the best since I'd probably fall to the floor if Cameron had let go of me and had me stand there.

She gave him an ice pack and he sat on a stool next to the bed I was laying in.

He sighs and I look over at him. "Brad is a real douche. He's always been. I used to have a friend named Alec and he'd be able to stop Brad from hurting me but he moved last month and with him gone Brad took that as a chance to go after me again and now you too.." he tells me.

I grabbed my journal and jotted down "Are we friends?" and held up to him.

He took a moment to think "Do you want to be?" he asks

I nod.

"Okay, then we're friends" he says smiling.

Cameron's POV

It feels good knowing that I have a friend. It makes me feel less alone.

I walk past my house and back to the field that I ever so love. I don't feel like dealing with my dad right now, I'll go home later when he's asleep.

I sit there just absorbing the beauty of the nature I'm surrounded by. For some reason it makes me think of Kyler again and I smile. There's so much I want to learn about him. He just seems so, interesting and, and I don't know. There's just something about him.

I find one my books under the bin I hide them under and open it up and begin reading.

About 20 minutes in I realize that I can't seem to focus on my reading. Which is strange. Because I always seem to be able to. I put the book away and sit there.

I sigh and lay down, closing my eyes.

I stand up and walk out of the field and to my house. I sneak in through my window and turned on my laptop. I decide to play some Amnesia before I go to sleep.

Turns out I played for 4 hours straight.

I shut off my laptop and lay in my bed. Closing my eyes, I imagine Kyler there with me.

Wait, what?..

I shake my head to try to get rid of the thought. Kyler's my friend. And besides, I'm not gay. Am I?..

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