Chapter 2

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Picture is Cameron


Kyler's POV

I'm awaken by an alarm clock and immediately jolt up. I look over and see the alarm clock and fall face first back in to the pillow and slam my hand on the alarm clock as hard as I can. I hate being woken up and especially at this time.

I sigh and pull myself out of bed and out of my room to the bathroom. I strip down and get into the shower, then go back to my room and change, then go back to the bathroom to do my hair. With all this going on, neither Karen or Cindy had woken up. Finally after I had gone down stairs and got myself a bowl of cereal I see Karen emerge into the kitchen.

"Good morning, Kyler" she says to me smiling brightly

I half-smile and wave a little to her while I finished my cereal. She went outside and started to work on her garden. I finished my cereal and walked by the door right as Cindy came down all ready.

"Excited for your first day?!" she cheered happily while ushering me out the door and into her car.

I shrug and she says "Well I'm sure you'll be fine"

We drive to the school in silence and I watch the passing trees and houses that we drive by on the way.

When we finally reach the school I start feeling a bit anxious. I don't like being around big crowds. Or small crowds for that matter. I get out of the car though and Cindy hands me the papers I need to show my teachers before telling me bye and she drives off to work.

I turn to look at the big building before me. Everyone seemed to be inside already so I slowly make my way up the steps and inside the school.

I easily find the office and the lady at the front desk handed me my schedule and locker number. I have history first.

I'm not much of a historian or whatever, history doesn't really fascinate me. I decide to find my locker later and look for the room instead so I won't be too late. It takes me a bit but I finally find the room and I walk in quietly.

Everyone's eyes are on me and the teacher quickly realizes I've entered the room.

"Ah, hello, you are?.." he asked

I handed him the papers and he looked over them and nodded.

"Well class, we have a new student. This is Kyler and I hope that you will all treat him respectfully" He pauses before he continues to say "take any open seat, and I'm Mr.Hemsworth"

I spot a seat in the far back and shuffle my way over to it and quickly open up my journal and start writing.

No way am I listening to some old man speak about what he did in his day. Which I assume was when columbus was still around.

I look up for a second and notice a boy diagonal from me staring at me. He had a book in his hand and as soon as he noticed I saw him staring he went back to reading.

"Mr.West, I'd appreciate it if you paid attention to class instead of reading some fictional nonsense"

This caught my attention and I look up again to see Mr.Hemsworth in front of the boy with the book.

"It's not nonsense.." I just barely hear him say.

"Put it away, Mr.West. We're learning about the real world, not some fantasy world"

He puts the book away and Mr.Hemsworth walks back to the front of the class and resumes whatever the hell he was teaching.

I look back over at the boy and hear him mutter "the real world sucks" through clenched teeth.

I couldn't agree more, stranger.

I couldn't agree more.

Cameron's POV

Ugh. I fucking hate school. Can nobody understand that feeling of getting away from it all?

That new kid. He seems... interesting. It was embarrassing that he caught me looking at him, but I couldn't help it. Something about him seemed different. Like, maybe he understands. Of course it's dumb of me to think that, I haven't even talked to him. But he's been in all my classes so far and he's really quiet and always seems to be writing in some kind of journal.

As the bell rings, everyone rushes to leave the class because it's now lunch. I go to my locker and grab the book I've been reading and am almost done with, and walk into the cafeteria. The line for lunch is ridiculous, more people should bring lunch from home. Not me but, never mind.

As I finally get my food I stand there scanning the lunch room. Alec isn't here anymore. Where the hell am I going to sit?! Suddenly I spot the new kid, Kyler, sitting alone at the table in the far back of the room, writing away.

Without even thinking, I start walking in that direction and it takes me a second to realize that I'm standing right in front of the table.

"Um, do you mind if I sit here?" I ask nervously.

He looks up and shakes his head and I sit across from him opening my book.

I keep getting distracted by his writing though. He's writing so swiftly and neatly, but I can't make out the words. He suddenly stops and picks up his now finished lunch and heads towards the trash can to throw it out.

Curiosity got the most of me and I grabbed the journal to see what he was writing.

I couldn't believe it. He must've had, pages and pages of poetry and like 50 what seemed to be short stories. I read one of his poems and I swear it was so amazing that it tugged at my heart. This boy has some real talent and I wanted to keep reading but suddenly he was back and noticed me reading it and with wide eyes snatched it from me and stared at me in horror.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm a big reader and I couldn't help myself... You're really good at writing" I say.

His face softens and seems to have calmed down yet he still seemed cautious.

"You don't talk much, do you?" I ask.

He looks at me and then opens up his journal to an empty page and jots something down on it. He turns the journal around and pushes it to me so I can read it.

It read "I'm mute"

I looked up at him and said "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know" he nodded and took back the journal.

"Do you use sign language?"

He shakes his head.

"Ah.. I guess it might seem bad to you, but I think not being able to speak wouldn't be so bad. Maybe it could show some of the people around here to shut their mouths up and to open their eyes and see what they're missing" I say

He stares at me for a few seconds before nodding a little.

"Sorry.." I say quietly and open my book again so I can leave him be.

He taps my shoulder and I look up to see him holding up his journal, it read "I'm not good at socializing. I don't really like people, thats why I didn't want to learn sign language"

"It's okay. Same here, well not the sign language thing, but yeah" I said feeling awkward.

He just nodded and went back to writing in his journal when the bell rings declaring lunch was over.

He closed up the journal and glanced at me before starting to walk away.

"Wait" I say

He turns around and looks at me questioningly.

"My names Cameron. Just thought I'd let you know" I say nervously

He nods and turns to start walking away again.

I stand there a little stunned for a few seconds then throw out my lunch, grab my book, and rush out of the lunch room.

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