Baby problem

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This is for you @MeriAndy. I kinda tinkered with it just a tad bit.

An explosion in the compound can always happen now and then and it's considered normal at this point.

Peter, Harley, Groot, Shuri, and Morgan are happily watching TV in the living room until an explosion was heard. They just shrugged it off knowing that it's probably nothing special. Moments later they started hearing cries from downstairs.

"What's that?" Harley asked.

"I dunno," Shuri replied.

"I'm Groot."

"No!! We are in the middle of watching this episode and we are finishing it!" Peter said.

"Fine, we'll check it out later, the others will probably take care of it." Harley said.

The group finished what they are watching and walked downstairs to know what just happened only to be greeted by the Avengers but in this scenario, they're all babies.

"Shit." Harley cursed and rushed to grab baby Loki who is about to stab baby Thor with a kitchen knife.

"I am Groot."

"I agree, we need to figure out how to fix this," Shuri said.

"But first..." Peter said while putting all the babies in the same place as Harley.

"Selfie~" Harley whipped out his phone and the group started taking selfies with the babies.

"Now that fun is over." Shuri cleared her throat. "I'll take care of how to turn these babies back to their former self and ya'll have to make sure they don't die."

"Yes, ma'am/I am Groot." The group saluted.

There is a lot of babies and there are only two teens, a teen tree and an actual child to take care of all these babies.

"This should be easy right?" Peter asked.

"Depends." Morgan replied.

"Aunt Nat put that knife down and Uncle Stephen stop making portals." Harley shouted and grabbed the knife baby Natasha is holding and started chasing baby Stephen who is, by the way, flying around.

"We're doomed." Morgan said.

"Super babies................. Great." Peter grumbled.

"Alright let's find everyone who has the potential to kill people or themselves and make them not.... do...... that...." Harley said.

A few moments later.

"How long has it been?" Harley asked while holding baby Wanda and baby Pietro.

"I am Groot." Groot replied while rocking a crib that holds baby Steve, Sam and Bucky.

" Ten minutes!!!!!!" Harley's eyes almost bulged out from his eye sockets from the shock.

"I feel like we've been at this for hours now." Peter groaned while watching over baby Tony and baby Pepper.

"This is actually quite fun." Morgan smiled while playing with Baby Rocket, Drax and Thor.

"Just wait until they simultaneously cry." Peter laughed and cried.

"We just need to feed them at the right time and put them to sleep then maybe that way there would be no cries." Harley said.

"Well, that sounds easy enough, but we are dealing with 24 babies here." Peter said.

"Then stop yapping and let's get to work." Harley said.

Another few moments later

"That's all of them." Morgan said wiping the sweat in her forehead. After they put all the babies to sleep all of them are tired as fuck.

"Peter, how many babies are here again?" Harley asked.


"I counted and there are only 23 babies here." Harley started to panic.

"Guys, baby Scott is missing!!" Morgan exclaimed but quiet enough to not wake the babies.

"I am Groot!!"

"We have to find him quickly." Peter said.

The group started looking around but to no avail until Harley found something. "Guys, the door is open."

"Baby Scott could be anywhere at this point." Peter panicked.

"Let's split up and find him." Morgan said.

The group parted ways and started looking for the lost baby.

Peter eventually found baby Scott in the balcony and almost fell due to the baby's small figure but Peter caught the baby just in time.

"You almost gave me a heart attack there baby Scott, you'll pay for that once you turn back to normal." Peter said and went back to the baby room.

He laid down the now sleeping baby Scott next to baby Hope and informed the others that he found the baby.

Shuri screamed in joy when she finally made a smoke bomb that will turn everyone back to normal. Why a smoke bomb you asked. Don't ask.

She carried the smoke bomb back to the room and also to congratulate everyone.

"I'm proud will all of you, I didn't hear a single cry.' Shuri smiled.

A very tired looking Peter and Harley gave a thumbs up and an almost dying Groot and Morgan was seen in the background."

"Now time to bring them back to normal." Shuri said and yeeted the smoke bomb to the floor.


Tony opened his eyes and saw everyone crammed in one place like a bunch of sardines, some are even stuffed inside baby cribs.

"What the hell happened?" Pietro asked.

But he was only answered by cries from babies.

The group was now introduced to bay Peter, Shuri, Morgan, Harley and Groot.

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