Put your Stark on

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After the fight with Thanos, after Tony Stark's death.

Tony's legacy is still going strong like diamond. With Peter being Spiderman and an Avenger, Harley taking the mantle of Tony and becoming Iron Lad and Morgan heir to Stark Industries and being able to help her mother run the company.

Even after all of this. Morgan is now in high school under a fake identity of course. Pepper wants Morgan to have a normal high school life. She goes under the alias of Morgan Parker.

But bullying is still a thing and Morgan gets a taste of it.

"Hey Morgan!!! Since we're going to SI we could finally meet your brother who works there. Wait a second...... That's a lie!! There is no way he works there if he actually works there I bet he's like a janitor or something." Camille, Morgan's bully laughed.

"Don't mind her. Just think of her reaction once she figured things out." Ivy, Morgan's best friend said guiding her to the bus.

"You're right that would be funny." Morgan smiled.


"Morgan Stark has entered the building"  FRIDAY's voice echoed in the room.

"What is she doing here??" Cassie Lang asked.

"Field trip I guess." Harley answered.

"Hey, Pete remember the last time you had a field trip here." Lila Barton said.

"Yeah, I totally remember the day where I stopped everyone from committing murder." Peter said sarcastically in which everyone laughed.

"Who even arranged this field trip?" Cassie asked.

"Well Morgan's school always had a field trip here for graduating students so there's no helping it." Harley replied.

"Let's go and say hi to her!!" Nathaniel Barton exclaimed.

"But her secret." Lila added.

"She's graduating anyway so who cares!!" Harley exclaimed.


"This is the last lab we will be seeing today. This section focuses mainly on the tech the Avengers uses." The tour guide said.

"Shuri!!!!!!!" A shout was heard.

"Shuri!!! Bring it back I need it!!!" Lila Barron exited one lab.

"No can do!!!" Shuri exclaimed running away and Lila following her.

"Harley catch!!" Shuri shouted and threw Lila's Bow at Harley.

"Harley Keener you get back here and give me my bow right now or I swear to God I will murder you!!" Lila shouted as Harley took off.

"Hi Morgan!!" He greeted as he saw Morgan.

"Bye Morgan!!"

"Teenagers." The tour guide sighed.

"But they're grown men and women." One student said.

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