Freylin Short (Also Important Info)

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Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin!

(Please read the stuff below before you get to the story, it's important. Thank you!!!)

 First off, Happy Easter or happy belated Passover if you celebrate it!! I hope you guys are doing well during the holidays, and I hope you all are safe and sound!

Second, I want to run an experiment. If you guys have/use Discord, I've created a server where us Merlin/Wattpad geeks can hang out. I hope it works, and if you know someone who loves Merlin and uses Discord, feel free to send them the link! Here's the invite - - we'll see how it turns out!! (btw don't forget to capitalize the "w" and the "p" in the link if you type it out)

Lastly, I'm working on a request for the next story (It'll be a song one!!!), but I thought I would go ahead and give you guys a little quick one-shot as a gift for you guys being so amazing! Love ya!!!


The Court Sorcerer (though it should really be "Court Warlock") watched with a small smile as the courtroom danced away. It was the 5th anniversary since High King Arthur Pendragon declared that the ban against magic was revoked. One that day, and every year afterward on that same day, a grand feast will be held in honor of the peace. Merlin and Arthur would stand, side-by-side as the speeches were given, the food was placed, and the dances were held.

Everyone except for Merlin was dancing on the floor. Nobles were dancing with commoners, druids dancing with knights. It was everything Merlin had ever hoped for. Yet, no matter how much happiness filled his heart, he could still feel the emptiness when he looked at laughing couples and newlyweds. He wasn't bitter, don't get him wrong! He was very happy for his friends, even Gwaine and Percival, who surprised them all by getting together. It's just that he didn't have a love to fill the gap for him. At first, they had tried to push him into dating, until he told them that his heart belongs to someone whom he could never be with - Freya. After that, they never pressured him, which he was thankful for. In fact, he had to go and convince Arthur that he never blamed him for her death after he seemed to go into a mini-blame game with himself. He sighed as he looked onward the couples dancing, even chuckling by how Gwaine was trying to teach Percival how to dance so they could join together.

Slowly, he started to realize that the dancing had stopped, and people were looking at him. He immediately started shifting nervously, not knowing what was happening. When he looked around and saw Arthur and Gwen, he saw them beaming happily, waiting for something. 

Suddenly, so softly that he almost missed it, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around, only to freeze again. The figure smiled shyly yet tenderly, waiting ever so patiently for his jaw to reconnect with his head.



To say Arthur was determined was an understatement. The conviction and determination blazing in his eyes were enough to shoot little beams and melt whatever was blocking his path. Merlin, his advisor, his best friend, his brother, his other half - believed he was destined to be lonely (romantically) until after his last dying breath when he was reunited his beloved. He still remembers the grief-filled love that glistened in his eyes once he told them all of Freya. Arthur knew at that point there was no possible way that Merlin would love another after that, but that didn't mean he couldn't bring that love back. He began his own secret project, including the knights of the Round Table and Gwen, but not Merlin. He felt a little bad about not including Merlin, but he knew it would be worth it to see Merlin happy. Merlin deserved as much happiness as he could get, seeing that so much of it was ripped from him cruelly by fate. He started going around asking druids, powerful sorcerers/sorceresses, even the Great Dragon to see if there was a way to bring back the Lady of the Lake. After months of planning, organizing, and trying his damn best to keep it all from Merlin, he was able to bring Freya back. He struck a deal with the people of Avalon, saying that Freya will return to being the GateKeeper and Protector after hers and Merlin's natural passing, and will also allow the aid of Merlin/Emrys to help build the world of Avalon when they join. The people of Avalon agreed as they knew Emrys helped them see the world of Albion come true and also knew of the pain he went through to achieve it. 

Freya thanked him - and everyone who helped - multiple times. She showed great kindness to everyone and even forgave the druids that banished her. Arthur could see why Merlin loved her so much. They were both incredibly kind, gentle, selfless, and had gone through much pain. Too much pain, in Arthur's opinion.

Arthur smiled to himself. Tomorrow was the annual Magic Peace Festival, and that will be when Merlin finally reunites with Freya. Arthur glanced at Gwen, who was getting to know Freya as they were walking back to the castle and was acting more bubbly than he'd ever seen her. Arthur chuckled, as he knew tomorrow was going to be an amazing day.



Freya didn't say anything, only nodded slightly and smiled. She was wearing a deep red dress with strawberry red trimmings. She was as beautiful as he remembered, plus infinitely more.

Once Merlin snapped out of it, he laughed happily and spun her around. His magic reacted to his happiness, causing the room to suddenly be a little brighter as tiny golden orbs of light started appearing in the air, floating around. Everyone marveled at the sight, except for the two reunited lovers, who were just holding each other tightly as if they were afraid they would lose each other again if they let go. 

Arthur was grinning so brightly from happiness you could've thought he was one of the glowing orbs in the room. He gave his brother the best gift in the world, and he knew it was worth all of the lost hours of sleep and massive stress.

When they finally pulled away, Merlin stool a step back and bowed to her. "May I have this dance, my lady?"

Freya giggled. "I'm no lady, Merlin."

Merlin's eyes sparkled and she took his hand. "You are to me, my dear Freya."

They moved to the center of the room, and as the music started, they danced away. Freya stumbled a few times, but Merlin always caught her, and she quickly caught on. Soon, everyone watched as the two lovers swept across the room, dancing almost effortlessly as the golden lights floated around them. 

It was...magical, as some would say~


I know I'm a big angst writer, so I wanted to give you something fluffy and sweet. If you noticed my small PercyGwaine moments, it's because that's the one ship I really love besides Freylin. If you haven't already, please read the info at the beginning. I'm really hoping my Discord idea will work. I love you all, and I hope you have a nice day/night!!!

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