Shackled Destiney

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Disclaimer: I officially declare this day as the "I Don't Own Merlin!" day. It is a day to weep, in my opinion.

Warning: Heavy angst, and minor swearing. 

Merlin didn't know where it all went wrong. One minute he's laughing along with the nights, the next he's being threatened at swordpoint by Arthur. He'd always had nightmares of this moment, and, deep down, he knew it was inevitable. He had always prayed otherwise, but there was no escaping it. After all, magic was evil, and there was no place for it. He was in the dungeons now, with guards waiting outside his cell. He didn't try to escape-he didn't try to do anything. Merlin accepted this as fate. Whatever came next, he would face without fear, without regret, because even when it will be Arthur who will be the one to do it, he will never regret being by his side. As he waited for Arthur to visit him, he tried to remember the day, but it was all a haze.


 He remembered traveling with the knights on a hunting trip, though they weren't that far from the castle. Suddenly, there were bandits and shouting. Lots and lots of shouting. There were too many bandits, and the knights were getting desperate. Suddenly, a bandit tried to attack Arthur from behind, who was too far away for anyone to save him. Merlin didn't think of the consequences, he only thought of saving his king. He thrust his arm out and shouted a spell, blasting the bandit into a nearby tree. Then there was silence. Not a man moved. It was a standstill. The knights looked at Merlin with utter shock, and the bandits looked at Merlin with utter fear. He looked at them once more, and his eyes started to glow gold again, and the bandits fled. Once they were out of sight, Merlin only had a split second to relax before he felt a swordpoint on his back.

"On your knees, sorcerer," he heard Arthur growl.

Merkin started to tremble, yet he didn't move. "Arthur, please, listen to me before-"

"I said," Arthur spat out, "on your knees."

Merlin obliged, shakily getting on the ground while tears streamed down his face.

Gwaine couldn't handle it anymore. Yes, Merlin used magic, but he's traveled far and wide, and he knew that magic isn't all evil. He knighted Mordred,  who's a druid, for heaven's sake! "Arthur, what the hell do you think you're doing?"

"My manservant has been practicing magic with the full knowledge that it corrupts, that it steals, and that it is evil. He shall be taken to Camalot at once where I will decide his fate then."

Mordred decided to try and reason with the king. "My lord, please, Merlin may have magic, but he saved your life! If you'd just let him-"

"Mordred," Arthur turned to him, making the druid's mouth shut instantly, said in a low and commanding voice, "If you want to continue your knighthood, I suggest you choose your next words very carefully."

Mordred was about to say something back when a voice in his sounded in his head. 'Mordred,' he heard Merlin say in his head, 'Please, don't defend me.'

Mordred locked eyes with Merlin, and everything else seemed to disappear as they talked. 'Why?' he asked desperately, 'Arthur's threatening you! He may even sentence you to death! Why are you asking such a thing Emrys?'

'Because if you defend me, he'll sentence you too, and I cannot allow that. I may have been...unfriendly with you at times, but know that I do care about you.' 

'Promise me,' he heard Merlin say urgently, 'that whatever happens to me, you'll still look after him? He won't survive a week without me. And maybe...when everything cools after my death, you and Guias could lead him towards the light once more. Please, Mordred, promise me.'

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