Fall Seasons

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Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin or this joke!

Warning: Swearing!

Hello, my beautiful readers. If you live in the U.S., then Happy Thanksgiving! If not, then I still wish you a great fall and becoming winter. I hope you guys are doing well, and I want to thank you all for being the amazing people that you are. I also want to thank you guys for reading my stories, it means the world to me. I still have many ideas I want to use (many involve songs), but please leave any suggestions, and I will do my best to make them! Here's a little skit that I made that I thought would be funny. I hope you have a lovely day/night!

The Knights of the Round Table all watched in silent humor as their king and his manservant were arguing once again while on their quest. It was the only thing keeping the knights sane while also driving them towards insanity. They had entered a desolate field, and in thirty or so minutes they would start to set up camp.

"Merlin, help me understand how you can deem yourself worthy of talking back as well as insulting your king," Arthur said in mock anger. Everyone knew it was false anger, especially when you could easily see the playful smirk that grew on his lips.

Merlin was intrigued. He wondered how he could come up with a witty response that isn't what he'd normally say. He looked around, and a mischevious smile grew on his face. He stopped his horse and jump off, walking until he was in front of everyone, who had all stopped themselves to watch.

Merlin's arms raised on either side, as he spoke loudly and clearly to the king. "Behold! The field in which I grow my f***s. Lay thine eyes upon it my good king, and thou shall see that it is barren."

The knights exploded in laughter, some even holding onto their stomachs and horses for fear of falling off. Merlin stood with a triumphing smile pasted on his face while he watched the king open and close his mouth several times like a fish out of water. His smile grew even more as he too started laughing as he saw the frustration on Arthur's face grew. When the knights realized that Merlin beat Arthur in the argument, they started laughing once again, but even harder.

As Merlin got back onto his horse and they eventually started traveling again, Merlin sped up to Arthur.

"Milord," he said mockingly, "Is something troubling you?"

Arthur could only muster a "shut up Merlin," and speed ahead, for his ego had been damaged too far. Once it was restored, he planned on putting Merlin the stocks for the rest of the month.

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