Happy Holidays!

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Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin!

Hello, my amazing readers! I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while, but never fear, for I am here! (And with a short funny story as well!) I've come to say happy holidays, as well as give you a gift. So, a little background so you don't get confused. My Language Arts (English) teacher gave us the option of either decorating a sweater or an ornament for the class, but that we also had to write a little story behind it. Ornament materials were given to us, but if we wanted to do a sweater, we would have to bring one in so we could decorate it. I had paired with two of my friends, and we decided that I would get a sweater. I bought the cheapest white sweater I could find and brought it to school. Now, my friend, @Madlynn12, had wanted to actually make it pretty. Well, I made sure it wouldn't. I took a marker and wrote, "Yeet" or "Yeeters" all over it. Also, since I was the writer of the group, I decided to write the story, and make it relate to Merlin. So, here we go, a whacked story was thrown together about sweaters and Merlin. YAY. 

Title: The Last Elite Yeeters' Sweater

Once upon a time, six of the most important creations were made; the six Elite Yeeters' Sweaters. They were knitted by Queen Guinevere herself, and the great Warlock infused them each with the power of a fallen knight. These knights were the Knights of the Round Table, for it was the end of Camalot's time. If worn, the person would gain the strength, agility, and wisdom of their knight. They were very powerful and helped Camalot stand until it was her time to fade into fables. Each Elite Yeeters' Sweater was given to a trusted family to be passed down in each generation to the first son (if there was no son, then the oldest daughter). Each Sweater had its uniqueness as well. It was rumored that Sir Percival's Elite Yeeters' Sweater, your strength would increase tenfold, as well as being excellent listeners, able to hear and memorize every detail, for Sir Percival was always a gentle giant. If you wore Sir Leon's Elite Yeeters' Sweater, your vision would sharpen like an eagle's, and you could be able to count individual sand grains from twenty feet away. If you wore King Arthur's, Sir Elyane's, or Sir Lancelot's Elite Yeeters Sweaters, your sword skills would increase dramatically, warlord qualities are dominant, and you could tell if any person is a traitor to your cause by simply touching them. Finally, there's Sir Gwaine's Elite Yeeters' Sweater. If worn, your agility, stamina, strength, and swordsmanship increase twentyfold, but there's a catch. When you wear it, you will always only ever smell and taste apples. You will only desire apples for food and will go mad if without them for too long. Sir Gwaine's spirit does this because he doesn't want the wearer to become too powerful. Besides, who doesn't love apples? Over time, all but Sir Gwaine's Elite Yeeters' Sweater was lost, for his was safely locked away in a museum. Rumor has it that you can still faintly smell apples around its viewing area.  

How'd you like it? Weird, am I right? Welp, I hope you enjoyed, and stay tuned, for I am working on upcoming chapters! Happy Holidays!

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