Chapter five- The Oncoming Storm

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The drive back to the cave was silent, save for the Doctor blaming himself for the events he saw played out on Alfred's comm unit. "They always find away, they take everything away from me i stop them and they still weasel their way back.

Howling with rage and frustration he pounded the dash board of the Batmobile with his fists until his knuckles were raw and bleeding.

"Do you feel better for that Sir?" queried Alfred as he turned the car into the secret entrance to the cave. Examining his ruined knuckles, the Time lord grimaced and shook his head "No. not really and i've made a right mess of the dashboard... Sorry" The butler just smiled kindly and replied "Nonsense sir, it will clean off. Plus, i'm quite  used to Master Bruce venting his frustrations in a similar manner during his earlier altercations with a particularly toxic individual called..."

"The Joker " interjected The Doctor . " He killed Bruce's second partner , didn't he ?" Alfred felt tears sting his eyes, but clearing his throat and blinking them back, he continued. " My point is this; No matter how many times you beat these Daleks and no matter how many times they return , like Master Bruce with that foul creature you should.... no, you MUST endure you should never be controlled by your rage. YOU MUST ENDURE ."

The word "ENDURE" struck a chord with the Doctor. He had done, so many times ,through so much loss and heartbreak. Even moreso during the last great Time War


All around people lay dying, and dead. The towers of the majestic consulate building were ruined and smoking, reduced to rubble. The Doctor and Rassilon were pinned down by DAlek fire. "My Lord Doctor - i fear Gallifrey is lost . The enemy have brought about the fall of the Timelords " Suddenly there was silence. Taking advantage of the lull, the two men made a break for it and ran in to shell of the main building . Stopping to catch their breath, The Doctor looked at Rassilon "Never thought i'd see the day i'd be fighting at your side, Rassilon "  The older Timelord smirked, then his face became filled with rage "Get down ! NOW!!" coming toward them were three Daleks ."EXTERMINATE!! " They said in unison but they got no further. Rassilon raised his gauntleted hand and bolts of energy obliterated the creatures. The Doctor looked at the man " You saved my life.... Thank you" . Rassilon nodded, then with a groan fell to his knees. The Doctor examined him . Protruding from the mans side was a jagged shard of Dalek casing. blood pooled around his knees. Scanning Rassilon with his sonic screwdriver the Doctor said grimly " Sir, your hearts are badly damaged ; if you are to survive, you have to regenerate " The older Timelord nodded . He lifted his hand and observed the telltale glow that signalled the forthcoming change . "Stand back."  He told  the younger man  .Then , forcing himself to stand, he spread his arms and became engulfed in golden fire.

The Doctor ran toward the direction of his family home . what he found was burning ruins, The Tardis scorched and scarred among the ruins.... Then he saw them : the small charred broken bodies and  he sobbed. Then he howled his hearts filled with grief and rage. "NO . MORE" he sobbed......


" i decided then, Alfred . No more death . No more fear. Just no more ." Alfred studied the Timelord wondering how he had not been driven insane by all he'd been through. All he saw in the Doctor's eyes was a thirst for justice.

On the Dalek ship the torture of Superman had stopped for the moment. he hung limply from his shackles groaning quietly. On the far side of the chamber Batman was comforting a sobbing Lois Lane. He felt useless. Two Daleks were close by ,watching his every move. He in turn was studying them, looking for some flaw in their behavior that he could use against them. This was no common street gang he could intimidate with a glare. These creatures had no emotion apart from unbridled hatred for anything that wasn't Dalek.

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