Chapter four- Prisoners and a storm

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Davros sat surrounded by flames, shuddering with rage . He pointed a metallic claw at the Doctor

"Never forget, Doctor! you made this! I name you forever! YOU ARE THE DESTROYER OF WORLDS!!"

"NO!!......oooww "The Doctor woke with a start, cold sweat pouring down his face he blinked trying to focus his vision, he was still in the cave..

"Ah you're awake sir. This is most satisfactory" Sat by the bed, was a thin, balding man , dressed in what seemed to be a butlers uniform . The Doctor went to get off the bed "I've got to...." The man put a hand on his shoulder to stop him "You've had quite a blow to the head sir, you really should rest." The man introduced himself as Alfred Pennyworth, manservant to the Wayne family since Bruce was a child. He served , not just as a servant to Bruce, but as a staunch ally and confidante to The Batman. He recounted to the TimeLord what had ensued after the Daleks had teleported into the cave, how one gunblast bought part of the cave ceiling down, piece of which rendered him unconscious. Masters Bruce and Clark had held their own, but had to surrender to  the Daleks when they'd threatened Lois. Then they were all teleported away, except for the Doctor.

" Ooh, that's not good , not good at all." Groaned the Doctor. He gingerly rubbed his bruised face trying to figure out his next step .Superman was already angry enough before , but putting the two most important people in his life at risk  as well, would just inflame the Kryptonian's rage further. "Sir ?"  Alfred said breaking his train of thought ."Would you care for some tea?" Ignoring the painful bump on his head and smiled at the man, who for a moment reminded him of Ood Sigma and his polite manner. " Alfred, tea would be wonderful"


In a holding cell on the Dalek ship, Superman and Batman were looking for a weakness in the force field that surrounded their room . Just beyond the cell , two Daleks moved from left to right, watching them get shocked repeatedly each time they touched the invisible barrier.

"Lois, something's wrong " Said the Kryptonian to his wife "That actually hurt" He showed her his blistered and swollen hand .His wife look worried "Clark, this isn't good at all . There's virtually nothing that can hurt you except"

"Kryptonite " Interrupted Batman "Obviously" . Suddenly, a slow handclapping made the three look up at the source of the sound ." WELL DONE!! Let's hear it for Gotham's finest!!"

"Luthor "Hissed Superman through clenched teeth . He launched himself at his rival, but again the force field's energy tore through his body and he dropped to his knees groaning in agony.

"Hurt does it? "Sneered Lex as Batman and his wife helped the injured man of steel to his feet . "i helped my new friends with the Kryptonite settings, and a few other things . Isn't that right , Davros?" . A door slid open and Davros rolled up beside him "Indeed you did, Mr Luthor. SO , This is the sole survivor of the planet Krypton? Hardly the threat you portrayed him to be, is he ?" Luthor turned to the shrivelled creature "My dear Davros, if it wasn't for the Kryptonite radiation in the force field, this ship would be a smoking ruin and your children severely crippled ." Davros moved closer to the holding cell "Yes, yes ! i can see the rage, the thirst for vengeance coursing through every fibre of his very being. He wants kill my children and i " He chuckled, it was a wet, sickening sound " We will of course allow you to try, Kryptonian, but first you will tell me the whereabouts of The Doctor "

"NO" Superman hissed, ignoring the pain the K-radiation was causing him .He tried to stand, but dropped to his knees ."Unbelievable, still fighting for what he believes , even when he can barely stand . Pathetic." Davros smirked "We shall see . i wonder how this 'Superman' will fare against the newest addition to my family" flicking a switch on his console, another door opened,  It came into the chamber and stopped between Luthor and Davros. "Oh my god" gasped Lois Lane "Look, Batman! LOOK!"

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