The Prisoner Pt.1

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Sleep that's all she wanted but she couldn't do it. Rosie tossed in turned all night while Wander and Sylvia sleeped soundly. There was a lot on her mind at the moment like Rocky, there was something about him that she tried to figure out but always failed.

Then there was Hater. Rosie wanted to be Hater's friend but was hesitant at first seeing him as a jerk but after talking to him multiple times and  seeing his love for Captain Tim she was convinced that there was some love in all that hate. The thing that was keeping her up was how she was going to become his friend. Rosie had no idea how to go about it "What am I supposed to say hey Hater I know I'm just some dumb kid but do you want to be friends?" Rosie whispered to herself.

Then she saw it the Skullship flying towards them, Rosie panicked and pretended to be asleep. Then Skullships tounge then rolled out revealing Commander Peepers, Rosie pretended  to be asleep as Peepers tried to get Wander's attention which worked making him wake up. Then to Rosie's horror Wander ran inside the Skullship, in that moment Rosie did the only thing she could think of, chase after Wander. Thankfully Rosie made it inside the ship in time before the tounge rolled back. Rosie looked around the ship her eyes immediately landing on Peepers standing on Wander celebrating his victory. Rosie went unoticed as Peepers made a call to what Rosie assumed was Hater.

Rosie was about to pounce Peepers until she saw Wander right next to her startling her. "Wander quick we have to get put of here and fast!" Rosie then grabbed his hand attempting to drag him away before Peepers noticed. Wander stayed in place saying "Well we're already outof the planet" Rosies eyes widened and she rushed towards the window not seeing the planet. Rosie pulled her hair she knew for a fact that Sylvia was a heavy sleeper and would take hours for Sylvia to get them. Wander oblivious to Rosie's panic grabbed her hand dragging her out of the room excited about being in Hater's ship for the first time. "I'm so excited maybe we'll even see Hater!" Rosies panic faded away when she heard that she knew this was her chance to become Hater's friend. "Yeah hopefully we do!" Rosie replied putting a smile on her face, then as they were walking they fell down in a slide, Rosie couldn't believe that Hater actually had a slide in this ship. Rosie laughed as she and Wander went though many loops before landing in a room. Rosie and Wander stared at the room in awe before exploring further, as Rosie explored she couldn't believe how fun it was agreeing with every positive statement Wander made.

As Wander was staring at a giant Hater robot Rosie saw an angry Peepers run towards then ready to attack. Rosie stood in front of Wander yelling "Wander stay behind me!". It was one of those moments where she knew she was the one who would have to take care of Wander just like Sylvia. Moments like these where she had to parent over Wander happened more frequently and now she knew it was one of those days since Sylvia was gone. Wander much to Rosie's frustration ignored her order instead running over to Peepers to skake his hand faster than the speed of light. As Wander was talking to Peepers Rosie grumbled tp herself  "Why can't Wander just be the adult for once and me the kid". To Rosie's surprise Wander grabbed her hand running away giving Peepers a farewell, Rosie knew Peepers wasn't going to give up that easily and he didn't running after the two. It was one of those moments she was glad Wander was fast as they ran away from Peepers but other times not so much. As they ran she remembered all the times she had to chase after Wander after he ran off when Sylvia wasn't looking.

Now it was a wild goose chase as Peepers chased after the two and with Rosie praying to grop they would lose him. When they did Rosie ordered Wander to stop which he complied with. "Alright Wander we lost him but we have to find Hater before he catches us again" Rosie stated. Rosie was interuppted when Wander said "Rosie look it's the drivers seat we gotta take the ship out for a spin" Wander then jumped on the seat, Rosie smiled "Thats genius Wander that'll get Hater's attention".

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