Sadistic Sensei!

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Waking up to the sound of birds singing happily was something that Kana has always loved.  It's soothing and gives her a warm feeling that bubbles inside of her causing a small smile to fall upon her lips.  Kana sighed in her bed, not yet wanting to open her eyes even when it seemed that the birds were singing just so she could have a beautiful wake-up.

A week has passed since Masaomi's attempt to kiss Kana, who still thinks about it from time to time and ponders why he would want to do that.  What confused her, even more, was the way Ukyo reacted.  Speaking of Ukyo and Masaomi, the two have been distant from each other ever since that incident.

Kana turned in her bed, her eyes still closed and she thought she heard faint whispering as if it was right next to her.  She shook it off.  But then it came again...

She wasn't imagining it.  Someone was in her room, and, someone was right next to her.  Kana suddenly noticed a dip on the other side of the bed as panicked whispering came from the stranger farthest from her.  Kana opens her brown orbs to see Tsubaki laying right next to her in bed and Azusa near her door waving his arms around as he tried to get Tsubaki to follow him out.

"Tsubaki, you drunk idiot! What do you think Kana-chan is going to do when she wakes up and sees you?!"  Azusa was whispering loudly to his giggling brother.

"Tsubaki..." Kana grumbles angrily.  Tsubaki instantly sobered up, scrambling to get out of her bed and landing on the floor with a thud.

Azusa stands aside as Tsubaki runs out of Kana's bedroom, said caramel brunette chasing after him with a broomstick.  "Tsubaki you idiot..." The ravenette mumbles, pinching the bridge of his nose and walking out of the room.



Kana, now dressed in her usual outfit, sits peacefully at the table sipping slowly on her morning coffee.  Azusa sits eating next to her with his twin on the floor, rolling around and clutching his head where a bump was forming in pain. "It's what you deserve, Tsu-nii-kun." Azusa sighs.  Kana takes another sip of the hot coffee, smirking gleefully.

Soon, Ema, Yusuke, and Fuuto arrive at the table yawning.  They all sit and begin eating quietly before Ema interrupts the silence excitedly "Oba-san, you start teaching at our school today, don't you?" Kana stares at the brunette for a few seconds before answering "Yes, I will be teaching second years, I believe." At this comment, Fuuto groans and rolls his eyes "Great, first I have to live with you, then I find out you'll be teaching at not only my school but in my grade?! This is ridiculous!" Ema starts to reassure Fuuto that it won't be so bad, but at this point, Kana has tuned them out, finishing her coffee.

Kana is preparing to leave when she hears someone call from behind her "See ya later, Sato-Sensei." Yusuke grins from the table.  Kana nods nonchalantly at him only letting a smile show when she is already out the door. A teacher.  She thought.  I get to be a teacher again!

It felt wonderful to her that she'll once again be able to start teaching a handful of teenagers.



The caramel brunette stands outside the teachers' staff room, peeking in before walking inside.  The few teachers that are in there acknowledge her, then resume their work.  One teacher, a short petite blonde welcomes her excitedly.

"Hello!  I'm Yumikara Masube!  But you can call me Yumi!" Yumi grins cheerfully at Kana.

"I'm-" Kana starts to introduce herself, but is quickly cut off by Yumi "I know who you are!  You seem to be very experienced!" Yumi giggles.

Kana nods slowly, wanting desperately to leave the current conversation.

Kana then feels the vibration of her phone going off in her jacket pocket.  Pulling it out she sees it's a message from Ema. "Good luck Sensei~" Kana smiles to herself.  How sweet.  The caramel brunette completely forgets about the blonde who is fangirling beside her and ranting about who-knows-what.



Kana now stands outside her new class that she will teach for the entire year.  The calm stoic woman surprisingly makes a game out of teaching.  Each new class she teaches year after year comes face-to-face with a different teaching style and "persona" of Kana.  Kana taps her chin, racking her brain for what act she should put on before inhaling and exhaling deeply, putting on a confident smirk.

The caramel brunette walks in just as the bell rings.  She takes a sideways glance at her students to see a shocked Fuuto.  Her smirk grows even wider.  She writes her name on the board and faces her students, a couple whispering among each other. Kana places her hands on her desk, leaning forward slightly "Hello, I am Kana Sato, your new Homeroom teacher, of course, you will call me Miss Sato. Understand?" Half the class says "Hai!" And Kana looks at Fuuto who isn't paying attention "Mr. Asahina!" Kana barks, grinning sadistically. He looks up at her with a slight glare, then musters up a fake smile that makes the girls in the class swoon. 

"You will do yourself a favor by paying attention in my class because I don't care if you are a celebrity or a serial killer when you are in my class you listen," She tilts her head, smiling innocently "Got that?" Fuuto grumbles something "I'm sorry what was that?" Kana asks a few of the students are snickering, but Kana is only focused on the egotistic Popstar "Yes, Sensei." Fuuto mumbles louder. Kana's sadistic smile returns "Good boy." There were no more whispers from gossiping students, only focused and silent stares. 

That was easier than I thought it would be, of course, this isn't Paradise High School so what was I expecting?

Kana and Fuuto stared at each other for a few hard seconds before the older woman straightened up, taking her teachers pointer and slapping it into her hand,

"Now, let's begin with lesson one, shall we?"


Sorry if this chapter seemed a bit rushed!  Online school is making me feel all flustered and I just wanted to make a chapter (no matter how short) for you all!

Until next time~

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