Lesson Number One

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Kana Sato, a stoic and intelligent woman, does not make many decisions without thinking it through rationally.  Yet, here she was, standing in front of Sunrise Residence on a rather chilly evening where she will soon see her closest friend's daughter with her 13 stepbrothers and move in with them.  

Two weeks ago, Rintarou Hinata, Ema's adoptive Father, called his friend and asked her if she could move into Sunrise Residence and look after Ema and her well-being.  "Why are you asking me this a year after Ema moves into that house?"  Kana questioned smoothly, yet agreed to nonetheless, warning Rintarou that she will not be by his daughter's side for forever to which he waved off.  He then thanked her and hung up stating he was going to tell his daughter her Oba-san was going to live with her. 

Kana sighed heavily, placing a delicate hand on her hip.  She glanced up at the house before walking up the steps, her black suitcase trailing steadily behind her as her long, caramel hair swayed in the breeze.  She stopped at the front door and straightened her maroon button-up blouse that was neatly tucked into a knee-length and a rather skin-tight black skirt before ringing the doorbell.  Kana suspected Ema would answer the door since she warned her she would arrive soon but was proved wrong when a tall blond male with baby blue eyes and rimmed glasses answered the door instead with a polite smile.  He looked at Kana curiously before asking "Hello, how may I help you?" to which Kana replied with "My name is Kana Sato, I am a friend of Rintarou and as of today I will be living with you." the man was surprised by her introduction but recovered quickly, welcoming her in.  She stopped for a moment as she passed him and glanced at him from the corner of her eye "I can see that from the picture I was given of you all you are Ukyo, second eldest, correct?" Ukyo smiled at Kana and nodded politely "Well, yes I am." Kana then continued into the house where she ended up in the living room where Ema and four other males sat on the couch, two were currently bickering and Kana quickly recognized them as Tsubaki and Yusuke.

She then swept her sharp eyes around the room and recognized the other two as Azusa and Kaname.  Ukyo walked up behind Kana and cleared his throat loudly, which caused the five others to look over and see Kana.  Ema's eyes widened slightly as she stood from the couch, a smile on the young girl's face as she ran toward Kana, wrapping her arms around the older woman's midsection.  Kana stroked Ema's hair with a small smile as Ema looked up at her happily  "Kana-oba, I'm so glad you're here!  I've missed you."  Ema slowly let go as the other woman replied: "I have missed you too, Ema-mei."  

Tsubaki suddenly spoke up "Waaa?!  Ema-nii, you didn't tell us you had an Oba-san?!"  Kana was going to reply but suddenly felt a pair of lips on her hand.  She looked over and saw Kaname kissing her hand with a flirtatious smile "And such an attractive one at that." He winked.  Kana took her hand away with a poker face and replied calmly "I am not Ema-chan's Oba-san biologically, I am merely a friend of Rintarou and have moved in here on his behalf."  Azusa nodded in understanding as Tsuaki and Yusuke merely watched the woman curiously, Yusuke turned away with his arms folded and a frown on his face muttering about having another girl in the house.  Kana's eyebrow twitched at that statement.  

Kana then pulled out a rubber teacher's pointer and pointed it in Kaname's face surprising everyone in the room except Ema, who was used to Kana's lessons.  "And Kaname, I suggest you don't kiss a woman's hand with whom you just met, they could have an infectious disease or are merely uncomfortable with your actions.  Might I suggest asking before laying your lips on someone?" Kana droned on smoothly, tilting her head and squinting her eyes at the end of her question.  Kaname only chuckles "I had no idea, you're just so pretty." Although he was curious he didn't ask her how she knew his name.  

"Then let this be a lesson, you perverted Monk." 

Tsubaki and Yusuke could be heard laughing in the background.


I apologize for the short first chapter, I only wanted to introduce Kana in this one.  I promise I will have more chapters out soon, but only if you want me to continue!

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