Chapter Three

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I kissed her I never thought my bestfriend would want me to kiss her. I found the soft spot on he neck kissing it leaving hickeys making her moan.

She pushed me away Nash not here I don't wanna start anything "aren't you going on an international tour with the boys in a few months?"

"Yeah but don't worry about that I'll always be here with you by the way thanks for giving donating blood to Hayes."

"Nash, I told you Hayes is like my little brother I would do anything for that kiddo. Nash and I don't wanna be dating right now we can be friends with benefits."

"But I don't wanna lose you to another boy"
"You won't I will never find anyone better than you."

Again I thought friend zoned.

She got a phone call
"I have to take this give me a minute"
All I could hear is yelling "Matt don't you understand I don't want to be with you but you always seem to want to get your way well guess what you're not getting it this time you haven't changed since the last time I saw you remember when I actually loved you well that's no more Matt I can't trust you. Today at lockers you fucked up and I can't stand seeing people stare at me when I'm with you because the truth was I never loved you you only came over so you could get what you wanted I don't want that and second you never got what you wanted because I didn't want to lose my virginty to you."

She put Matt on speaker
"Look im sorry I hooked up with someone else y/n but you wouldn't let me see you plus I didn't want to see you depressed anymore I'm in love with you why dont you love me back"
She hung up "Nash! Can you please take me home I no longer want to be here"
"Sure anything for you beautiful"
"Please stop."
I could see her almost crying
"Don't cry I don't want to lose you again it sucked not having you around"I said while wiping the tears away with my thumb
"Nash, Matt is just going to keep bothering me and I don't want that why cant he learn from his mistakes why would he cheat was I worthless to him all my feeling for him went down the drain"
"Y/N do you want to stay over at my place and talk about this."
"Nash,Why do you like all me out of all the beautiful fans you have why me?"
"Because no one in the world has made me feel like you did you made me feel like you're hard to get and you always make me happy you're the princess boys wait for the only girl they want. The girl they won't loose feeling for. They will always try to be with her. Like Matt he wants you back because he realized he lost the best opportunity of his life being with a girl like you y/n y/l/n"

"Nash your the boy everyone wishes for I don't understand why some people hate you so what you messed up one time and when people say you're a douche in real life I know thats a lie because they meet you for like 5 seconds and don't know you the way I do."

Leave you with this because I was super busy with my christmas tree and then i had to go out😑 By the way expect drama next chapter ☺️

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