Chapter 11 - Heartbreak

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Lucy's POV

The morning sun woke me as the sunlight shined through my window. I noticed my body felt different from when I went to bed last night and I saw that I was in my neko form again. I tried to get up but found an arm wrapped around my waist, holding me down. Looking over my shoulder, I found the owner of the arm was Natsu in his neko form, snoring away. I realised he somehow made me transform into my neko form so he could sleep in my bed with me. 'Sneaky dragon' I thought and playfully glared at his cute sleeping face.

Suddenly I heard a chuckle above me and saw Gray smirking down at me. Oh no, I don't like the look in his eyes. I tried wiggling out of Natsu's grip but I couldn't free myself. 'How does he have a strong grip while he's asleep?' I wondered. Gray grasped the collar of my shirt and pulled me up and out of Natsu's grip. He walked backwards and stopped on the other side of the room. "What's your plan?" I asked him, knowing his going to do something. "You'll see" he replied and then Natsu started to stir.

"Huh? Lucy, where did you go?" Natsu asked as he woke up from his deep sleep. He looked over and saw me in Gray's hands. "What are you doing with my Lucy, Frost Bite?!" Natsu hissed and then transformed back to normal size as he jumped out of the bed. 'I forgot we could transform. Wait did he just call me his Lucy?!' I thought. I was shocked for a moment until Gray ran out of my apartment with me. "Where are we going?" I asked as he ran. "To the guild" he replied. Natsu chased after us with anger in his eyes.

When we arrived in front of the guild, Gray skidded to a stop and put me down behind him before facing Natsu. I transformed into my normal size and watched what was about to happen. Natsu stopped a metre away from Gray and stood in a fighting position. "Stop running and fight me ya walking snowman!" he shouted. "What do think I'm doing now?! Come at me ya walking furnace!" Gray challenged. Everyone walked out of the guild and crowded around them as they began to fight without magic.

"Why did you take Lucy?!" Natsu shouted as he threw a punch at Gray. They were both in their own little world to notice the crowd around them. "Because you are too dense to realise your feelings!" Gray replied, punching Natsu in his hot abs-I mean stomach. "I don't know what you're talking about!" Natsu shouted as he returned the punch to Gray's stomach. "Just admit you love Lucy!" Gray said while pulling Natsu's tail and I blushed a deep red. "I don't love her!" Natsu replied and then both boys froze in shock. I felt my heart break and tears flowing down my cheeks.

Both boys turned to me, "Lucy I-" I didn't want to hear anything Natsu had to say. I turned and ran away. My heart hurt like someone ripped it out of my chest and stomped on it. 'How could I have been so stupid?! Of course Natsu would never have any romantic feelings for me' I thought as I ran. I didn't go back to my apartment because too many memories of him were there. The only place that didn't hold any memories of him and where I could be left alone was the forest so I ran into it.

Once I was far enough away from Magnolia, I stopped to catch my breath. Natsu's words repeated in my head. 'I don't love her! I don't love her! I don't love her!' his voice repeated. I cried harder and sat on the ground against a large oak tree with my knees to my chest. "I don't know if I could ever go back to Magnolia to face him" I muttered to myself. "Good cause you're not going back" a voice said and I jumped to my feet. "Who said that?" I demanded and then I noticed the Four Seasons Elite Squad had surrounded me.

"Me. Now be a good Neko and come with us quietly" the guy codenamed Summer said from in front of me. I pulled my hand back to grab my keys but noticed they weren't there. Since Gray rushed me out of my house this morning I didn't get a chance to grab my keys. 'Looks like I have to rely on my Neko powers' I thought. "I don't think so. Neko Roar!" I chanted and a powerful roar of rainbow stardust flew out of my mouth towards Summer.

He quickly jumped out of the way of my attack. While roaring, I whipped my body around and directed the roar to all of them. With all the dust and smoke was in the air, I took the opportunity to run. Unfortunately, I didn't get very far since a vine wrapped around my ankle and tripped me. I remember Erza saying that Spring's magic was Plant magic. I quickly rolled onto my back and tried to free myself but Summer grabbed my wrists and pinned me to the ground. "We're specialists in capturing Nekos so don't expect us to just let you run away like last time" he said with a confident smirk.

He turned to the white hair male which I guessed was codenamed Winter and to the pumpkin orange hair female which I guess was codenamed Autumn. "Frost, put the Neko Collar on her while I hold her down and Amber get the cage ready" Summer said. Frost walked over to us with a black metal collar with purple runes and a cat bell on it. I tried struggling in Summer's grip but I couldn't break free. Frost put the collar on my neck and my body instantly transformed into my neko form. I tried running even though I was in my neko form but Summer grabbed me with his hand. He threw me into the steel cage Amber was holding and locked me inside.

"Phoenix, what are we going to do about the male one?" Spring asked Summer. Phoenix looked at me with a smirk. "The male will come to us once he knows that we have captured the female, Blossom" he replied. So, from what I heard, Summer's name is Phoenix, Spring's name is Blossom, Winter's name is Frost and Autumn's name is Amber. Despite what happened before, 'Natsu save me' I prayed. 

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