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Sorry I do so many time jumps. I just don't know what to write lol

Tony and I are watching a movie at home when I start to feel uncomfortable

"Tony I think it's for real labour now"

"Let's go!" He says and picks me up. We have a hospital bag in the car now

He drives to the hospital and I do a little vlogging to tell them how I feel and what's going on.

When we get to the hospital, the staff basically do everything. I lay in the bed. I'm only 2cm dilated.

"Tony. When your telling people I'm having the baby can you ask them to not come to the hospital? I just think that this time should be time for us."

"Whatever you want."

"Thank you" I say and another contraction happens.

About an hour later, I'm 10cm dilated.

"Okay, on your next contraction, your going to have to push" the nurse says. They already gave me an epidural.

"Okay. 3... 2... 1.. time to push" the nurse says and I start pushing.

Tony holds my hand "push babygirl, push, you can do it"

I start pushing and pushing. And she doesn't come out.

"Okay, next contraction, you are going to have to push harder." I nod and breathe slowly.

Tony kisses my forehead "you can do this baby"

I nod. The time goes by fast until the next contraction.

"3... 2... 1..." I push as hard as I can and that's when I hear it

Tessa starts crying. They start to clean her up and I lay down exhausted. When they've got her somewhat cleaner, tony cuts the umbilical cord. They lay her on my chest.

"Hi tessa" I say with tears in my eyes and I put my hand on her back. Tony kisses my forehead.

"Baby she's beautiful... just like her mama" tony says in Awe.

"I know." I rub her back.

*few hours later*

I'm laying in my bed, the nurse comes in with Tessa.

"Here's baby tessa, perfectly healthy, all clean, ready for some mama snuggles" the nurse hands her to me and smiles.

"Nurse, is it alright that you let the secretaries know not to give out my information. Tony and I don't want any visitors at the hospital and my mom may decide to just come anyways."

"I will let everyone know." The nurse smiles and walks out.

"Hi tessa" I say softly. "I'm your mama... and this is daddy" I make her face tony

"Oh my she's the most beautiful girl in the world. Just like her mother" he smiles and sits closer to us. "Can I hold her?"

"Yes" I say and hand her to him. "She's probably hungry." I say and get up, to make her some formula. I get the stuff out of the bag and start to make her a bottle. When it's done I give it to tony and then I decide to go to sleep.

I wake up to tony arguing with someone. I open my eyes and see it's my mom.

"Mom why are you here?"

"So I can see my grand daughter"

"Well I said that I didn't want anyone here while we're here."

The new girl || Tony Lopez Where stories live. Discover now