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Tony and I are walking down the hallway at school, talking and holding hands. All of the sudden this girl purposely bumps into me and knocks everything out of my grasp and I fall.

"What the hell Jessica?" Tony says angrily. 

"It was an accident" she says innocently, but we all know it wasn't.

"Leave my girlfriend alone" he helps me up and grabs my phone and the cup of coffee I had that is now empty. "And you can buy her a new coffee" he says

"Why should I have to buy your loser, poor girlfriend anything? I'm not a charity"

"I'll have you know, her family is worth more than you ever will be."

"Whatever you say" she laughs. "I'm not buying her an iced coffee." She starts to walk passed us and whispers to me "this isn't over" I push her out of my way and start to walk towards the front of the school to go out to Tony's car., he follows me.

I start to tear up, because I just want to have some friends of my own and after that i probably won't.

He unlocks the doors to his car and I get in the passenger seat and he gets in the drivers seat after putting my things in the back seat.

"Hey, don't let Jessica bother you. She's just jealous of you, because she has a huge crush on me, and because you are so much more beautiful" he says, putting his hand on my cheek.

I start to sob "I'm not gonna have any friends here."

"Don't worry, you will make friends" he hugs me.

"Can we just go back to your house?'

"Sure" he starts to drive.

Today was a half day but they don't let students leave the school until halfway through lunch and it's about then so we just left.

He places his hand on my thigh and starts to rub it.

"I'm sorry she did that, honey"

"Why did it have to be when I have a coffee and get it all over myself"

He pulls into a Dunkin donuts parking lot and parks.

He slides his hoodie off "here babygirl, you can put this on, I'm gonna go in and get you a coffee because you deserve it"

He goes inside. I am so lucky to have him. He's so sweet. It's been about 2 weeks since we had sex for the first time and we've done it 3 other times since, it's so great with him. I did it once with my ex, but he finished before me and so that made it so much worse. Tony makes sure it's a good experience for me. 

I get lost in my thoughts and next thing I know Tony's sitting beside me and gives me a coffee and my favourite donut.

"Baby you didn't have to" I say, he interrupts me with a kiss.

"I'll deal with Jessica, I promise."

"If you keep fighting all my battles than everyone will think I'm weak."

"Well if you know a way to get her to stop bothering you, than be my guest."

He drives back to his house and we go inside and see ondreaz sitting on the couch.

"Hey guys" he says looking at us

"Hey, how come ur back early?"

"I have a spare in 3rd period, remember"

"Oh yeah... Jessica bumped into Madi and spilled her coffee on her."

"What a bitch. I can't believe I dated her"

"Bro, she only dated you because your my brother"

"I guess that makes sense. "

They finish their conversation then we go to his room. He turns Disney+ on and changes into his basketball shorts and takes his shirt off and we lay in his bed for awhile watching Disney movies.

I hope everyone likes :))

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